Chapter 20: Planning

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Eli's POV

After chat I started running fast, I was mad at Toby because he is trained to move and think fast but he just stood there staring at me. He could have been shot why the hell did he not take in the situation? I sigh softly, my thoughts disappear when I get the feeling that someone is following us. I know the sound of Tobias's footsteps his are quickly, light landing and leaves on the balls of his feet.

I can hear someone else's footsteps, these footsteps are heavy footed and slower. I concentrate on the sound behind me, I hear the follower breathing a little heavy. I glance at Toby, he doesn't seem to have notice. He has a crease across his forehead, What is he thinking about? I look ahead and decide to act like I don't know anything.

I nudge him so that I can get his attention, I turn to jog backwards pretending to look at Toby as I tease, "Hey lets race back like we always do. I might even go easy on you." I grin at him to hide that I was worried, I am using this advantage to look passed him and I was right someone is following us and that poor person looked exhausted. I could tell the person was a man when he moved under a light I briefly saw blue clothing. Shit. I think. I look back at Tobias who is grinning.

"Oh don't go easy on my account." He grins too though I can see he is getting a little tired. Not too tired though, I knew he would run back with me. I can hear our follower let a grunt out as he hears about the race.

We will defiantly loose him now, I send a smirk towards Toby then runs back to face the direction we were running in then I start sprinting him.

"Hey you didn't say go!" he was calling after me before I hear his footsteps faster and longer strides, I laugh and running faster with the same light fast footsteps as Toby. I stay ahead of him the whole way, though I do not know how I am way too distracted. I need to make a plan on when Erudite kidnap me, I know it is going to happen especially since they are sending followers. Wait what if there is a spy in Dauntless? I don't know who to trust. I keep running until I am finally at the compound around a minute later Toby is beside me panting hard. I am too, but I don't focus on that.

If I am taken then I need to leave clues for Tobias, I need him to be able to find me. Come on Eli, you are smart you can think of something. I think to myself, my breathing was back to normal, as I think hard trying to come up with a plan. Suddenly the word Tracker pops into my head. Yes, yes, yes! That will work, I just need to adapt it so that he can listen to the convocation. Though of course it will probably cause him pain but I know he will do it to save me. How do I let him know all of that though?

"Eli!" Toby shouts waving his hand in my face. "Are you in there?"

I snap to look at him, I was planning. This is important do you really have to talk to me now? I think but I choose to act stupid, "Huh?"

"I wonder where you go sometimes." He replies as he chuckles shaking his head. "I said lets go get your stuff from your old room."

I nod look at him smiling, "Yeah right, let's go." I briefly say before walking inside, I saw a little frown on his face as I pass him. He knows that something is wrong with me. I pray he doesn't ask about it, I hate having to lie to him. If he knows about it all then he won't agree to my plans and I really do not want to argue with him.

I walk to the initiate's room with Toby waiting by the stairs, I glance around and see everyone is laying asleep, I look around and see Amy's bed empty. I wonder if she got kicked out. I walk passed her bed to mine, I bend over to my bag which was under my bed since I never unpacked, I start walking back to him and he just glances at my bag though he wasn't surprised that I hadn't unpacked.

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