Chapter 3 The Warning

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Hermione read her book as she sat next to the window in the Slytherin Common Room. The giant squid decided to make an appearance tonight. Hermione still questioned how a giant squid ever got to this school. She knows this place is full of magic, but so far a three-headed dog, a giant spider, a basilisk, and a giant squid has been found on these grounds. Who knows what else lies within these ancient castle walls. In the end, most of these creatures were brought by Hagrid. "Since when do you read for fun?", asked Draco as he entered the common room.

"Reading is actually quite fun Draco. You should try it." Hermione passed her book to Draco.

"Grimm's Fairy Tales. What is this? Some Muggle junk? Pansy, why are you messing with the Muggle world?"

"It's not that bad.."

"I think you're sick and it's affecting your functioning skills." Hermione watched as Draco glanced at the book before tossing it on the table. "You look upset. Are you in pain?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion until she thought about the conversation she had with him yesterday.

  "Yeah, it's kinda changing my mood." They sat in silence until Draco grabbed her hand, and pulled her over to the couch. He let her rest in his arms while he played with her hair with one hand while the other was rubbing her back.

  "Just go to sleep", he whispered in her ear.


  The next morning, Hermione woke up in Draco's arms. She looked down at his sleeping form until she realized the polyjuice had worn off. She cautiously got out of his grip, headed up to her dormitory, and practically beat herself up on the way up. 'How could you be so stupid', she said to herself. 'He could have woken up and ruined everything!'

  When she reached her dormitory, she froze at the sound of quiet sobs on the other side of the door. She pushed the door open and noticed that it looked empty, but she still heard the sobs. She moved forward until she spotted Ginny in the corner of the room behind the curtain, clutching her arm, and letting the tears stream down her face.

  As Hermione stepped closer, she noticed the arm she was clutching on to had the Dark mark on it. The snake slithered back and forth on her arm. "It's hurts so much."

  "When did he give you this?"

  "At the sorting. Weren't you there?" Hermione lifted her own arm to show the 'Mudblood' scar Bellatrix had placed in it.

  "Okay, listen to me. This means that he wants all of us to be in the Great Hall. We're his slaves now. Take the polyjuice and let's go."

  The two of them rushed as quickly as they could to the Great Hall to avoid getting a crucio sent their way. Voldemort walked into the Great Hall to see two lines of students leading to the teacher's seating. "Members of the Order are plotting an attack on Malfoy Manor." He started to laugh to himself. "They never learn do they?" Everyone joined in the laughing and Hermione could tell it was from fear. She kept her head down and refused to look up. "No mercy", Voldemort said as he made his way to the front, and petting Nagini on the way. "Begin." Everyone grabbed hands and apparated to the Manor.

  The skull masks were very hard to see through, especially since the sky was always dark now. Ginny and Hermione ran in the opposite direction of Bellatrix, and Draco followed them with Blaise. "Stupefy", she shouted at Bill Weasley, and hoped that it didn't do too much damage. "We have to warn them." Even though the Order was in danger, Hermione was happy that Ginny was finally talking to her again.

  Turns out that Malfoy Manor was the headquarters of the dark lords inner circle. The place was so huge that each one of them could get a room to themselves, however, if she learned anything from this place it was that there was a cellar in the basement for people held captive. Many people had their focus on Molly and Kingsley when suddenly Arthur Weasley almost joined the battle. Hermione saw this as a perfect opportunity to stop anyone else from dying. "Hey", said Hermione as she nudged Ginny and turned her head in the direction of her father.

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