Concert- Chapter 2 (Part 1)

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Kayla's POV

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Mya, my assistant, yells.

I opened one eye, pulled the cover over my head, and turned the other way. I did not feel like getting up right now. Emily and I stayed up all night talking about the twins, or more like she stayed up all night talking about the twins. We didn't get to sleep until 3 in the morning. I'm not a morning person, so you can say that I'm a bit grumpy. It also didn't help that I saw Emily on the other bed, snoring....bitch.

"Give me at least 10 minutes, Mya," I say sleepily.

"No can do, Kayla. You have a busy schedule today and you know it. Now get up and get dressed. Breakfast is waiting for you in the living room. We'll discuss today's agenda when your finished," she says strictly.

Usually she is nice and calm, but when it comes to her job, she is serious. The reason I hired her was because I needed someone who would make me get off of my ass, and she does exactly that.

"Okay, okay, I'm up," I say checking the time. "It's 6 o'clock in the fucking morning. Why do I have to get up so early?"

"I said we'll discuss your schedule later, now hurry or we're gonna be late," she says pushing me into the bathroom.

I get in the bathroom and close the door. I start the shower and make sure its really hot. It soothes me and it helps me think. I undress myself and step it. Probably for the umpteenth time, I started thinking about my life. I find it crazy how I, a normal girl, ended up with millions of dollars, a humongous loving fan base, and amazing friends surrounding me. I've always wanted to be a singer since I was a little girl. This life is all that I wanted. Although this it offers so many good things, there is some negatives. For example, I had to give up my privacy, I lost some friends, and I get mobbed.....a lot. I don't complain because people told me it was going to be like this and I can handle it. Sometimes I even forget I actually am famous. I get so lost in my music and that's honestly all I work for.

After a 30 minute shower, I get dressed in ( Since it was only rehearsal and I was going to get made up later, I just put on something comfy. I walked out of the bathroom to see Emily gone. I grab my phone and walk out of our room and into the living room. We were temporarily staying in this hotel for a couple of days. Even though I told Mya I was fine with regular rooms, she had paid for the penthouse and it was beautiful. I looked for Emily but she was no where to be found. That's unusual because she always comes with me to my rehearsals.

"Where's Emily?" I ask as I sit and the chef brings me my breakfast. I thank him and look up to Mya waiting for an answer.

"She said she had to go run an errand, but she'll be back soon," she said typing on her phone.

"Okay," I say.

"You have twenty minutes to eat. We have to leave as soon as possible," she says getting up and going into another room to take a phone call. She been stressed these last couple of weeks. I need to take her out to the spa maybe.

I finish my meal in 15 minutes and I go to find Mya. I see her rubbing her face and breathing deeply. "Are you okay Mya?" I ask concerned. She just nods her head and smiles, but I can tell it is fake. I look at her knowingly and say, "You know, if you need a break, you can take one right? You've been working really hard and you need to rest. I'm worried about you."

She genuinely smiles this time as says, "Thanks Kayla, but I can handle it. It's okay, really." I nod my head unsurely, but leave it for now. "Are you finished with breakfast? We have to leave right now. The car is out back."

Tests~ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now