Attitude- Chapter 24

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Kayla's Pov

"Okay, thank you," I say, getting off of the phone. So, turns out I am pregnant. Isn't that great? I make my way to Emily and Ethan's room to find them watching a movie. They look at me and I nod my head to Emily. She looks at Ethan and he looks at her. He gets the hint and leaves the room. I walk over to the bed and sit down.

"They said I'm pregnant," I say, as she rubs my back.

"Well, this is shocking. What are you going to do?" She asks.

"I don't know, but first I have to tell Grayson," I say. She nods and holds my hand in hers.

"I'm here for you, alright. Tell me how it goes," she says. I nod and get up and leave. I make my way to my room to find that Grayson is not inside. Where could he be? I go to the bathroom and its empty. What the hell? Why isn't he home? I walk downstairs to see Ethan on the phone. He sees me and rushes off the phone...weird.

"Was that Grayson?" I ask. He nods. "Well, where is he?"

"He's on his way home," he says, suspiciously. I eye him down and he looks anywhere but in my eyes.

"Ethan, if I find out you know something I don't, I will-," I say, getting cut off.

"He'll be here. I don't know anything, alright bye," he says running upstairs. I swear, Emily has the weirdest person ever for a boyfriend.

About 10 minutes later, Grayson comes through the door. He notices me on the couch and keeps walking towards the stairs. I follow him to our room and he just lays down.

"Where were you?" I ask. He just looks at me, rolls his eyes, and goes on his phone.

"Don't worry about it," he says. Its my turn to roll my eyes.

"Lose the attitude, alright," I say. He gets up and walks to the closet. He picks out an outfit and lays it down on the bed. "Where are you going?"

"Out," he says. He grabs his towel and heads to the bathroom and I follow him.

"We have to talk ab-," I say.

"We don't have to talk about anything. Leave me alone," he says.

"You don't understand, Grayson. It-," I start to say, but he slams the door in my face. I start to tear up. I thought it took a while for the hormones to take over, guess not. I silence my cries as I go to lay down.

Grayson gets out the shower and starts getting dressed. I turn my back to him and silently cry. He sighs out of annoyance and continues getting ready. "What the fuck are you crying for?" Those words makes me cry harder and I ignore him, trying to fall asleep. "Don't ignore me, Kayla," he says, coming over to me and turning me to face him.

"Don't touch me," I say as I push his hands off of me and turn back around. He mumbles a 'whatever' and walks out. I hear the door shut and I cry even more. What is he going to do when I tell him if he is acting like this just because I got mad earlier.

****** 3 am

Loud noise from downstairs woke me up, so I make my way towards it. Of course, its Grayson. He looks...drunk. He is so stupid and immature if this is how he is gonna handle a problem.

"Grayson, what the hell?" I say, grabbling his arm and pulling him up the stairs.

"Who...are you...cursing at?" He slurs. I roll my eyes at him and thrown him on the couch in our room. I'm furious at him. He isn't thinking about how this is going to make him and Ethan look and him and I. I'll deal with him tomorrow. I promise he is going to get an ear full.

*****6 am

I'm standing over Grayson thinking of a way to wake him up. I want him to be in pain for his stupid decision. I grab two mouse traps and a glass of water and walk back towards him. I found these mouse traps in his drawer. I don't know why they were there, but right now they are useful. Anyways, I clipped them on his ears and splashed the water in his face. He woke up furious.

"What the fuck?" He said, looking at me.

"Why the hell did you come home drunk at 3 am?"

"Not this shit," he says, laying back down.

"Grayson, what is wrong with you? Do you know what this could do to us? You were being selfish. I bet there are pictures all over the internet showing your irresponsible actions-," I say.

"Listen to me. I don't give a fuck what people are talking about. Now, leave me the fuck alone or I swear you're gonna see a side of me you wish you wouldn't have to see," he said, lowly and firmly. I just let him be. I don't know how I'm going to tell him.

887 words
Third update for MaddyR01. Hope you enjoyed!

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