Braxton Hicks? -Chapter 32

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Kayla's Pov

8 months

Its been two days since the baby shower and I'm totally happy. When we got home, I was still mad at Grayson for making me pee my pants, but I got over it. He really is the sweetest boyfriend anyone could ask for. I wonder how he got my family down here because they make a bunch of excuses when I ask them to come to LA. They claim they like the East Coast better.

Anyways, I'm ready for these babies to come out. At my last appointment, the doctor told me that they babies will most definitely come out before I'm nine months because they are triplets. I just hope they are okay and healthy. I haven't said anything to Grayson, or anyone actually, but I've been having bad stomach pains. I looked up my symptoms and the internet said that they could just be Braxton Hicks, so I'm not going to make a big deal of it. Although, now they are becoming more frequent and painful.

Currently, I'm in bed with Grayson and we are watching a movie. Scratch that, I'm watching a movie, while he is talking to the babies. He is laying on my lap and I'm running my fingers through his soft, silky hair.

"What do you think they'll look like? Or who?" He asks.

"I don't know, but hopefully they have your smile. I want all of our kids to have your smile," I say. At this statement, he smiles that beautiful smile. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain and I accidentally groan out loud. This causes Grayson to be alarmed.

"Oh gosh, what is it? Are the babies coming? Are you having contractions? How far apart are they? Do you-," I cut him off short.

"Grayson, calm down. They aren't coming, yet. I'm just having Braxton Hicks, that's all. I'm alright," I assure him.

"You'll tell me if something happens, right?"

"Of course, you are their father. Why wouldn't you be thee first person I call for?" I ask, wondering why he asked such a dumb question. He nods his head and takes his previous position once again. Let's hope this is just what I think it is and not something terrible.


It is dinner time and I'm making sushi. I learned from my chef because one day I was curious and wanted to learn. I would say I'm a pro at it now. Just kidding, I'll stop boasting now

"Guys, I made sushi if you want some," I yell. I hear the boys running down true stairs like wild animals and Emily walks behind them shaking her head. They go to the counter and fix their plate and we all head to the living room. I put on a movie and Ethan and Emily cuddled up as Grayson and I did the same.

During the movie, I kept getting those pains. I'm beginning to think I'm going into labor. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much and should wait it out.

**2 am**

I woke up from excruciating pain. I couldn't help but scream out loud. Grayson jumped up scared and concerned.

"What is it?" He asked.

"The pain, its too much. Make it stop, make it stop. Take me to the hospital now," I cried. He went to the closet and put on clothes. Then, he proceeded to help me into clothes and help me down the stairs. He stopped briefly to tell Emily and Ethan that we were going to the hospital and they jumped up and said they would meet us there. He took me to the car and we were off to the hospital.

610 words
8 more chapters left!
Short, I know, but keep reading. Someone needs to beat me up because I can't keep a promise for nothing. I've had writers block so I'll upload the next two chapters tomorrow. These chapters will be longer. Here comes something shocking and interesting that you won't be expecting.

Tests~ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now