Uh Oh- Chapter 39

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2 days later

Grayson's Pov

Kayla, Robyn, and Emily went shopping, so Ethan and I were at home watching Mase. I've missed him these past few days. Every time I look at him, I realize my mistake. I know I'm forgiven, but it still crosses my mind.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Mason starts crying. I walk downstairs and fix a bottle for him. When I'm finished I put the nipple in his mouth and he starts feeding. Now, I realize why Kayla enjoys feeding him. I feel like I can talk about anything with him. He's just staring into my eyes and drinking his bottle. I make a face at him and he smiles so big that the corners of his eyes crinkle up.

After he's done with his bottle I burp him and rock him to sleep. I take this time to really admire him. He looks like the both of us but more so Kayla. He has a light complexion, he has my eyes, Kayla's nose and mouth. His hair is brown and he has my smile. He's beautiful. I am proud to have made this little boy.

I take him to his nursery and put him in his crib. I leave and head towards Ethan's room. He's laying done on his bed on his phone. He looks at me when he sees me I'm his peripheral vision.

"What's up, Gray?"

"What's up, E? What's going on with you lately? I feel like all we ever talk about is my fuck ups," I chuckle.

"Nothing much, really. I'm thinking about taking Emily on vacation," he says.

"Cool, where?"

"Maybe Dubai, maybe Hawaii, maybe the Virgin Islands," he says.

"Don't take her to Hawaii, we've all been there already. I would say Dubai or the Virgin Islands. How are you going to tell her?"

"I want to plan out a whole night to make her feel special. Dinner, dancing, carriage ride around town. Maybe I'll tell her on the ride."

"That sounds great. What day are you planning on doing it?" I ask.

"Would tomorrow night be too soon?"

"I think that's perfect. Do you-," I'm cut off by the door opening and the girls talking loudly. Ethan and I get up and make our way to them.

The first thing I see is a bunch of bags on the ground. When I say a bunch, I mean a bunch. I walk to the living room and spot them all eating. I walk up behind Kayla and kiss her cheek. She turns around, stands up and hugs me properly.

"I missed you," I whisper in her ear.

"I didn't" she says. I pull away with my mouth wide open. She starts laughing her ass off. "I'm joking, I missed you more."

"You better," I say flicking her head. She laughs and pecks my lips.

"Where's Mason?" Robyn asks.

"I just put him down before you guys got here," I say. She nods her head and goes back to eating. Kayla sits down and does the same. I try to sneak some of her food and she smacks my hand. I laugh and kiss her cheek before I walk to the kitchen. Ethan comes down and kisses Emily on the forehead and starts talking with the girls.

I should probably tell Kayla, Ethan's plan. She could help get Emily's things together so they can just leave with no complications. I'll get her assistant's number and give it to Ethan to set everything up.

I didn't realize how long I was in the kitchen until Robyn came in with pajamas on. I smile at her, but she narrows her eyes at me. Uh oh.

"So Grayson, how's life?" She asks.

"Life is great," I reply, trying to hide my nerves.

"Good, good. How have you been? I know having a baby can be hard work."

"I've been great, being a dad is hard, but I'm pushing through," I say.

"So, I'm gonna cut the bullshit. Kayla told me what happened," she said getting closer to me. "If I ever hear something like that again, I won't hesitate to take matters into my own hands and hurt you myself. Your son is your #1 priority, fuck all that other stuff. He didn't deserve that and I'll be damned if you do it again and Kayla forgives you. This is your warning and you shouldn't take this lightly. I always keep my word."

She walks back up the stairs and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in. To be honest, she scares the shit out of me. I won't make her angry.

776 words
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Tests~ Grayson DolanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz