Everything's Gonna Be Alright- Chapter 34

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Grayson's Pov

An hour later

I walked out to Ethan and Emily to tell them the news. The minute they saw me, they jumped up and ran to me.

"What happened?! Is everything okay?! How are the babies?!" Emily asked. I couldn't answer, I just broke down. Ethan came and hugged me tight. This is the worst experience anyone could ever go through. I didn't lose one baby, but two.

"We....we...," I tried to explain, but Ethan just shushed me. I continue to cry for five more minutes and I got myself together.

"We lost two of the babies, but one survived and is healthy as can be," I said. Emily immediately wrapped her arms around me. I hugged back tightly and shed more tears.

"I don't know what that feels like, but I do know that everything is gonna be okay," she says. I nod my head and pull back from the hug.

"You guys can come meet the baby if you want," I say. They nod and follow me to Kayla's room.

We enter and Kayla is breastfeeding. She looks up and smiles through her tears. Emily rushes to her and embraces her, being careful of the baby though. Kayla tries to hold in her cries because of the feeding baby on her chest. Emily releases her and looks down at the baby.

"He is beautiful. Have you guys picked a name, yet?" She asks.

"No, we haven't. Well, we had three names, but I don't think I want those for him. I don't want to cry evertime I say his name," Kayla says, chocking back a sob.

"Hey, listen I know its sad and its gonna be hard, but everything is gonna be okay. You will one day realize that there is always something good in a bad situation. Look, you may have lost two babies, but you still have one. Make his life the best anyone has ever lived," she says. Kayla nods and looks back down at the baby. He releases her breast from his mouth and starts to cry. She goes to burp him, but I stop her.

"I got it," I say. She hands the baby to me and I try to coax up a burp from him. Emily goes back to hugging Kayla and she is back to crying. I go to sit on the couch next to Ethan and he watches us quietly. Everything is quiet in the room except for Kayla's sobs.

Kayla's Pov

I have failed as a mother. I killed my babies. Me. I was having pains, but I was too stubborn to go see a doctor. All of this could have been avoided if I just went to go see what was wrong. I feel like l let everyone down, especially Grayson. He was expecting to be a father of three, but I killed two of his babies. I wouldn't be surprised if he is thinking of leaving me. I would leave me if I could.

I want to be happy that at least one of my babies lived because they all could have died, but I just can't get over that fact that I won't have three babies to look after anymore. We set up their nursery and everything. Its going to be hard looking in two rooms knowing that they won't be used unless we decide to have more. That's probably not even gonna happen if Grayson hates me.

I pulled from Emily and is hug and sighed. I appreciate her kind words, but it is just going to take some time for me to accept this. I look over to Grayson and he him looking off into space, while patting our son's back. He is so strong right now and I don't know how. He only cried when we received the news, and it wasn't even a hard cry, just a couple of tears.

Now that I've stopped crying, I realize how tired I am. I can barely keep my eyes open and thankfully, Emily noticed.

"Guys, Kayla's tired. Ethan and I will go and set everything for the little one up at home. See you guys later," she says, standing up along with Ethan and leaving. I look up at Grayson to find him staring at me. I give him a small smile and he returns it. He walks over to me and gets in the bed with me. I lay my head on his chest and we cuddle.

"Grayson, I get if you hate me and want to leave. I didn't mean to kill our babies. I thought the pains I was having were nothing to worry about. I'm so sorry," I say, tearing up again. He doesn't say anything for a moment, just rubs my shoulder.

"Listen, yes I'm upset that we lost our babies, but in no way is that your fault. You couldn't have possibly known that would happen. I do NOT hate you, I love you. I do NOT want to leave you either. I'm staying to help care for our son along with you. I'm sorry, but you are stuck with me and you are just going to have to deal with it," he says, making me laugh. I grab his hand and squeeze it, sort of as a thank you. The last thing I remember is feeling a light kiss to my forehead as I drifted into a slumber.

Everything will be alright.

908 words
6 more chapters left!
I felt sad writing these chapters. Hope you enjoyed!

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