Unexpected- Chapter 5

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Kayla's Pov

The show starts in 30 minutes. I've been doing this for a while but I still get nervous. It also didn't help that Grayson was here. I was dressed in my outfit and got my hair and makeup done (outfit above). I walk to the couch and go on my phone. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said. I was expecting Grayson or Emily, but who I saw was far more surprising.

"Hey, Kayla. I thought I would come and support you tonight," he said.

I automatically go from surprised to furious. "What the fuck are you doing here?" You could hear the hate drip from voice.

"I'm here in town to visit some relatives. Aren't you happy to see me?" he asks, smirking. 

"No, I'm not. Quite the opposite actually," I say.

"Aww that's not so nice, now is it Kayla?" He asks. How the hell did he even get in here. There is no way he should have got in with no ticket or mine or Mya's permission. Someone is getting fucking fired.

"Just leave. I'm about to go on stage and I don't need you here annoying me with your presence," I say walking out to go speak to Mya about his unexpected visit.

"Okay, okay, I'll go. Just remember, you owe me," he says in my ear walking away and out of sight. I got even more nervous from him saying that. I know what he was talking about, but why would he show up now after all this time, reminding me about that.

I decide that I would find Mya later and just go back to my dressing room. I go to the vodka on my dresser and take a shot. It is my routine, I take a shot before I go on stage. It helps me loosen up. As I swallow the alcohol, I immediately feel my muscles loosen up. I walk out to the area right behind the stage. The dancers, background singers, and stage people were all there waiting for me. We got in a circle and started to pray.

We all dispersed and I heard the crowd cheering my name. This life truly made me happy. The background singers walk up the stage and get into place. My opening act, Nyla Love, went on stage and started her song. Her set lasts for about 15 minutes, so I had time to practice my vocals.

After the 15 minutes were up, Nyla came back from the stage and wished me good luck. I was walked to the part if the stage that lifts up, so I could come up during the intro. As I stand on the lift, I feel this adrenaline rush. I start smiling hard and I kiss my hand and reach up to the sky. I do that for my great-grandma that past. I always wanted her to see me do big things and live my dream, but sadly God had another plan. I dedicate all of my performances to her.

I feel the lift start to rise and I get in my pose. Its showtime!

524 words
Yes, I know this chapter was extremely shorter than the rest, but there is more to come. Get ready for a whole lot of drama!
- K

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