Revealed - Chapter 9

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Emily's Pov

I knew she was up to something. I heard her conversation with whoever it was on the phone. I always hear her on the phone with them. I know she was the one who let him into her concert. I know their plan and every move. I just don't know if I should tell Kayla or not. I know telling her would be the right thing to do because she is my best friend, but I don't know how she will react.

She has always wanted me to get along with her, but I just always had this bad vibe from her. The first time I caught her on the phone was a when she first got hired, but I thought by being with Kayla for so long, she would give up realizing she has never wronged her. I guess no matter how much of a good person Kayla is, she will always try to get to her. I made up my mind. I'm going to tell Kayla and hopefully, she will believe me.

I make my way to Kayla's room and knocked and she yelled for me to come in. I looked around to see if anyone was around to hear and the coast was clear. I walked in, closed the door, and sat on the edge of her bed. Grayson and Kayla were cuddled up together watching 'How to Train Your Dragon'. They are seriously so childish for 20 year olds. I turn the TV off, wanting their full attention.

"Hey, we were watching that. You know that's my favorite movie," Kayla says winning. (Seriously though, it is my favorite movie of all times😂)

"I know, but I think this is far more important," I say seriously. She must have noticed by my tone that I wasn't playing. She sat up and so did Grayson.

"Well then, what's up?" She asked.

"Okay, so I have some bad news. There is someone on this plane at this very moment who is trying to get at you. I hear her talk on the phone all of the time to someone and she was the one that brought him to the show in Jersey. She is planning on bringing him to the show in Arizona, also. Shje wants to destroy your reputation and give you a bad name. I know that y-," I get cut off.

"What?! Who? And why?"

"I don't know how to say this, but it's Mya. She wants you to suffer. I recorded one of her conversations with the person on the phone, who she is always talking to," I say. I reach into my pocket for my phone and fund the recording.

"Hey, Alex. Are you ready to hear my plan to ruin Kayla?.....Okay, so I was thinking that maybe if you came to one of her shows unexpectedly, she will break down and embarrass herself during her that's not all of my plan.....this is just the start. You have to start somewhere....I am positive I want to ruin her.....are you having second thoughts? Last time I checked, you don't want to see her prosper better not bail on me Aiono. We almost had her when you had that bright idea to date her. I still haven't even fully forgiven you for having sex with her while your with me.....whatever. I'll update you on everything when I figure out how and when I want to go about this...okay, bye...I love you too babe...bye"

I shut my phone off and look up to Kayla. She looked confused and hurt. Her eyes got watery, but she kept the tears at bay. I looked to Grayson, and he was infuriated.

"You have to do something about this, Kayla! You can't just wait around for her to strike. End this, now," he says.

"Grayson, she can't know that I know. It could potentially make matters worse. I don't know what she is capable of," Kayla says scared.

"Weren't you telling me that you were going to fire whoever it was that let Alex in? Just fire her. Say she wasn't doing her job well. There was someone backstage without a pass. Wasn't she supposed to inform you of everyone backstage. I mean, Mason gave her the list that had everyone's name checked off. There was no way he would let someone in who wasn't on the list without you or her permission," I say.

"Your right. I will call a meeting when we land in Arizona, y'know, so nothing looks suspicious," Kayla says.

"Perfect. We have to get her out of here. To be honest, I can't stand her bitch ass anyways," I say lightening up the mood. We all laugh and continue to talk.

Mya's Pov

That bitch! She ruined everything. I was walking to talk to Kayla and I heard her telling everything. I have to find a way to turn this on her, but how? She had a recording and that's hard evidence. Now, I have to change the plan because she opened her fucking mouth. She has to get out of the way and I will make sure that she is taken care of.

932 words
Its been revealed! Mya and Alex are teaming up to ruin Kayla. Who saw that coming? BTW I love Alex Aiono and this is in no way a diss to him. It's just a story. Hope you enjoyed!

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