Fucked Up- Chapter 25

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Kayla's Pov

Its been about 5 days since the argument, and Grayson and I haven't spoke. He's been avoiding me and sleeping on the couch downstairs. Its honestly getting annoying. This has got to stop; its highly childish. We are both capable of having a mature discussion about our problems. With the time I had away from him, I've been thinking of a way to tell him. First, we need to sort out our problems, then well discuss the baby.

I walk to the boy's recording room and knock on the door. They say 'come in', so I walk in. They look up at me and Grayson rolls his eyes, while Ethan gets up and leaves. The tension is thick and unbearable, so I break it.

"Grayson, is has gone on long enough. This is childish and I won't engage in it anymore. We are both-," I'm cut off.

"Don't come to me saying this is childish. That's absolute bullshit!" He says, getting angry.

"Look, I didn't come in here to argue, I came in here to talk it out. Can we have a mature conversation? I know you don't want to speak with me right now-," I'm cut off once again. Now I'm getting angry. He won't let me fucking talk.

"Get out. I don't want to speak to you," he says, waving me off.

"No, I won't we nee-," I'm cut off again. That's it.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT! IM FUCKING DONE TALKING TO YOU ABOUT THIS SHIT!" He yells, getting in my face. The veins in his neck and for head popping out. He is very frightening. I shed a tear and get up to leave, but before I do leave I say something.

"You're going to be a father Grayson. That's what I wanted to tell you," I say, sadly. His eyes flash guilt and he looks shocked.

"What?" He asks. I ignore him and turn to walk out. He gets up and grabs my hand, but I yank it away from him.

"Don't touch me! I want you out of this house by tomorrow! If you aren't gone I'm going to throw your stuff out!" I yell, walking away, crying. He is an asshole.

Grayson's Pov

I screwed up, big time. She has just made me so upset these past few days. I admit, running away from my problems was- is childish, but I just didn't feel ready to talk to her yet.

I sit back down and rub my hands through my hair, down to my face. This is too much to handle right now. I can't be a father, I'm still growing up myself. What am I going to do?

Ethan walks back in and sits next to me. He pats me on the back and sighs.

"I heard what happened, bud. I hate to say it, but she's right. Avoiding your problems is never the answer and having a calm, mature conversation could have done you both so much good. After all communication is the key to a strong, successful relationship. Who knows, it could have brought you guys closer. Anyways, I can get you a hotel if you want and I'll come see you," he says. He's right, as per usual.

"You knew I was going to be a dad?" I ask.

"Yeah, Emily can't keep her mouth closed if her life depended on it," he says, chuckling, but soon quiets down. "I didn't tell you because I thought that you two would have sorted your problems out by now. You two have never gone this long without talking."

I always go back to her, even when she is in the wrong. This time, I just couldn't do that, but I should have. Wait a minute, that's why she had an attitude. Her mood changes like night and day. I really fucked up.

"Ethan, I don't know what to do. How am I supposed to make it out if she is kicking me out?" I ask, looking at him.

"Think of something that will make her forget what has happened over these past few days. Do something big," he says, shrugging. I think of all the possible ways to get her back. I can't come upon with anything right now.

"Any suggestions?" I ask.

"How about a promise ring," he says. I think about it and realize that's a great idea. I know just how I'm gonna plan this, but I'll need some help.

799 words
Its complete, darlings! I'm gonna try and upload whenever the twins upload on YouTube. Seeing them puts me in the mood to write. Anyways, have a nice night lovelies and see you soon! Byeeeeee!

Tests~ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now