Promises- Chapter 3

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Kayla's POV

"Thanks Kevin. We'll be about an hour, so you can go somewhere if you'd like," I tell my driver. He drove Mason, James, Grayson, and I to the pizza place.

He nods his head and drives off. As we walk to go inside and Mason and James blocks the fans and paparazzi from getting to us and stays outside of the door. They know I like my space, so they try to stay far enough to where I don't feel babysat, but close enough to where I feel safe. We walk up to the lady at the desk and she immediately recognizes who Grayson and I are. We smile at her and she just waves frantically. I look to Grayson and he's just laughing.

She finally calms downs, but still nervously says, "Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hi...," I paused silently asking for her name.

"Amanda," she says.

"Hi Amanda, is it possible for us to get a table in the far back?" I ask.

"Of course, right this way," she says grabbing two menus and leading us to a table with no windows near.

We get seated and she says, "Your waiter will be here shortly."

"Okay, thanks," Grayson says.

She walks away and now it's just us two left. After 5 minutes, our waiter came and took our orders. We just talked about random things while we waited for our food to come. We ate and I pulled out my phone and opened Snapchat. "Grayson, can I see your hand?" I ask holding my hand out for him to take.

He looks at me weird but gives me his hand anyway. I adjust the camera and take a picture of our hands without showing our faces. (Picture above. I know that's older people's hands, but just pretend its Kayla and Grayson's). I captioned it 'New Friend 💕'. I showed Grayson and put it on my story. He just started at me as I let go of his hand.

"What?" I ask.

"What was that for?" He asks smiling.

"You haven't caught on by now? Wow Grayson, I thought you were smart," I joke. He slaps my leg from under the table. "Ow! I'm only joking."

"Haven't caught on to what?" He asks genuinely confused.

"To the fact that I like you. I thought I made it pretty clear. I mean, I winked at you, asked for you to come with me to eat. If that's not a clear sign, then I don't know what is," I say confidently.

Grayson's POV

"To the fact that I like you. I thought I made it pretty clear. I mean, I winked at you, asked for you to come with me to eat. If that's not a clear sign, then I don't know what is," she says looking at me.

On my fucking god! She likes me! This is unbelievable. I never thought I would get her. Should I admit that I like her too, or just wait? Fuck it, I'm going for it.

"Are you serious? No way," I say trying to play it cool.

"Yes, but I wanted to start off right this time," she says looking down.

"What's wrong?" I ask as i feel the mood change.

"I don't know if you know, but I used to date Alex Aiono. You should know him because he sings on YouTube. Anyways, we met and he was telling me all these sweet nothings. I completely fell for him and we started dating. After two months or so, we y'know....That night, he told me we should break up. He left me and I found out he was cheating on me and using me. He only wanted me for sex and he got it because I didn't realize what a complete dick he was. We never went on dates or anything, so I should have known something was up. That was about two years ago, and your the first guy I've been attracted to in a while. I wanted to do this right and make sure its worth it," she says.

I was quiet the whole time and just listened to her talk. In the middle of her story, I grabbed her hand to let her know she can be comfortable with me. I shook her hand getting her attention as she was still looking down.

She looked up and I said, "I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm letting you know that I will never treat you as anything other than a Queen because that's how you should be treated," she looked away like she was thinking 'I've heard it all before'. I pulled her hand, making her come and sit on my lap. I pulled her face towards mine and looked deeply in her eyes. What I saw was heartbreaking. She had tears in her eyes, but she wouldn't let them out. My girl was still broken inside and I'm gonna promise to put her back together. "I swear to you, Kayla. I will never hurt you. That's a promise," I said sincerely.

As we were about to kiss, her phone rang. She picked it up from the other side of the table and answered it.

"Hello?....uhm we are at a pizza restaurant....okay, we're on our way....yes, okay....bye," she hung up.

She looked back at me and said, " We have to go back. That was Mya yelling at me," she laughs.

She gets off of me and says, " I'll be back, I just have to use the restroom."

"Okay," I say and watch her walk out.

Kayla's Pov

I know I sound stupid, but I swear it feels like I'm in love. No one has ever told me that. I can see a future for us, but I still can't show any weakness. This was the first time we've been together, so I just need to take my time with him.

I didn't really go to the restroom, I went too go pay. I knew he wouldn't let me if the waiter came to us, so I went to Amanda.

"Hey, Amanda. I'd like to pay for our food," I say.

"Okay.....that would be $20.62," she says. I hand her my card and she swiped it and gave it back along with a receipt. "Thanks for eating at 'Viola' (stupid and made up 😂). Hopefully, you come back soon," she says politely.

"I definitely will," I say walking back to my table.

He was on his phone when I came back. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go," I say. He looks at me and gets up. "You can go to the car while I pay," he says getting his wallet out. I hide my laugh and stay where I am. "Or you can stay," he says once he sees I'm not going anywhere.

"I'd like to pay for our meal," he says to Amanda. She looks confused and looks at me. I just cover my mouth suppressing my giggles. She looks back at Grayson.

"Your meal was already paid for, sir," she says smirking realizing I didn't tell him.

"What how?" He asks confused. He turns to look at me and sees me laughing. He looks anything but amused. I stop laughing immediately.

"Have a good day," Amanda says. We wave goodbye and turn around to walk out the door.

As soon as we stepped out, it was thousands of camera flashes and screaming fans. We hurried to the car and drove away.

Grayson looked to me and said, "Don't ever do that again. I was supposed to pay. I got next time and you can't do anything about it," he says bringing me closer to him.

"You got it dude," I say. (Did you get my 'Full House' reference?.... No, okay).

We get to the arena and Mason and James walk off somewhere. I stop and turn Grayson to face me.

"Thank you, really. No one has ever said anything like that to me and I greatly appreciate it," I say.

"Your welcome. I meant every word," he pulls me to him and kisses me.

We were interrupted by Mya yelling, "Kayla, come on! Did you forget you were at rehearsal. Let's go!" She pulls me away and Grayson stands there laughing at me.

1435 words
Aww what a cute moment, but poor Kayla. Who knew someone who tries to make other people happy was so unhappy themself. Hopefully, Grayson will stick to his word. Hope you enjoyed!


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