Date- Chapter 17

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All outfits are going to be at the bottom.

A little background: Grayson and Ethan live with Kayla and Emily now. They decided this after tour.

Kayla's Pov

Emily and I made finishing touches on our makeup and sprayed some perfume on our wrists and neck. We both looked each other up and down and gave an approving smirk.

"Damn Gina," we say at the same time and laugh.

"Do you know where we're going?" I ask.

"No idea. He didn't give me any hints," Emily responds. As I was going to say something, Ethan and Grayson came out. They didn't know we were standing out in the hallway, so when they looked up they were surprised.

"You look gorgeous," Ethan said, smiling. Emily blushed.

"I'm in a bodysuit, but thanks," she says.

"Jeans, dress, skirt, shorts, you'll still be gorgeous to me," he said back. I tuned their conversation out as Grayson spoke.

"Hey. You look beautiful," Grayson said, kissing me.

"Thanks," I say.

"You ready to go?" He asks. I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand. We all walked out together and got in the car. They got Kevin to drive us to wherever we were going.

"Hey Kevin. I thought today was your day off," I said.

"It was, but I don't mind doing a favor for such kind people," he says. I smile and thank him. On the way, Emily and I try and ask where we're going, but they don't tell us. We try and get them to accidentally slip where we're going, but they know our tricks. The only ting they told us was that we were going to be on the road for a while. We eventually give up and just enjoy the ride with our boys.

"Okay, girls. Time to wear your blindfolds," Ethan says, as him and Grayson pull out blindfolds.

"Now I'm scared. Why do we need blindfolds?" I ask.

"Yeah, are you guys kidnapping us?" Emily joins. The boys just laugh and shake their head.

"Chill out, okay. We just want the place to be a surprise when we get there," Grayson says. Emily and I look at each other skeptically, but let the boys put on our blindfolds.

After about 15 minutes of talking without eyesight, I speak up. "This feels so weird. I hate being helpless." I hear snickers after I said that.

"Don't worry, babe. You won't be for much longer. In fact, we're here," Grayson says. Me and Emily cheer and they boys help us out of the car. Its quiet when we step out and the air is a little crisp, but its just right. We are guided through some type of entrance and suddenly stopped.

"Okay, are you girls ready?" Ethan asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Emily says. I murmur my agreement with her. I feel Grayson untie the blindfold and I get my eyesight back. Its blurry, so I blink my eyes to get them back in focus. When I do, I am so shocked band by the scream that Emily let out, she was is too. The boys rented out Disneyland for us. There is not one single person here but us. I turn to Grayson and give him and big kiss. He is caught off guard at first, but recovers quickly and wraps his arms around me and deepens the kiss.

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