Grateful- Chaper 6

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Kayla's Pov

As I finished 'Get on Your Knees' with Nicki Minaj, I took a break from singing. I do this every show to interact with the fans.

"How are you guys enjoying the show?!" I ask the crowd. All that is hear is screaming. I smile wide and my eyes land on Grayson, Ethan, Cameron, and Emily. I get a great idea.

"I have a question for you guys," I say as a guy brings a chair for me to sit on. "Have you guys heard of the Dolan Twins?"

The arena roared with cheers from the boy-crazed girls. I looked back to the boys and they were looking at me shocked. I just smiled at them.

"Hey...woohoo!" I called to the security guards that didn't know I was talking to them. They turned and I said, "Can you guys bring them up please? I want everyone to meet them."

They made their way to the boys and guided them to the stage. As they climbed the steps, the screams only got louder. They came up to me with their backs turned to the crowd. I moved my microphone down as Grayson leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"What are you doing?!" He says looking at me with wide eyes. Ethan was doing the same.

"Introducing you guys duh!" I say. I turned them around. "Can we get two more microphones and chairs please?" I say to the guys backstage (I don't know what they are called).

They came rushing with my requests. They boys were confused, but they wouldn't be for long. I was going to make them answer questions with me. I looked around for a fan and my eyes fell on this girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes. I told the guy holding an extra microphone, to give it to the girl I was pointing at. He went to her and handed it to her. She looked shocked and started crying.

"Hi beautiful!" I say. "Stop crying, my love. Do you have a question you want to ask any of us?"

She nods her head frantically. She lifts the mic to her lips and says, "Who was that on you Snapchat today?"

I wasn't prepared for that and looked at Grayson. He looked at me and gave me a look saying 'Lie', but pulled it off with a smile. I look to Ethan and he gave the same look. Neither of us were ready to reveal our relationship status just yet.

I turn to the audience and I give a fake laugh. "It was someone I'm currently seeing at the moment," I say not revealing much. Everyone starts to scream and I pick another fan to ask a question. This time its a boy with curly hair and brown eyes.

"Hi, Kayla! I love you!" He yells.

"I love you too! You have a question," I ask.

"Will you ever collaborate with the Dolan Twins on their YouTube?"

"I have no idea. Only if they want me to," I say looking at the boys. "Should I?"

The crowd roars once again. They boys start laughing and Ethan says playfully, "Fine, I guess if it would make you guys happy."

They audience screams 'yes'. We answer more questions and we also answer twitter questions. After 30 minutes of that, its time to get back to singing.

"Alright, that's all the time we have for questions. Give it up for these two lovely boys!"I yell.

I hug the boys and thank them and they walk off stage back to their seats. The guys backstage comes and clears the stage. As the intro to 'Sex With Me' starts playing. I take off my little silk jacket. It gets unbelievably hot up here, believe it or not.

" Who's ready for 'Sex With Me'...well not that way, but you know what I mean" I say, realizing what people must have thought. The sound of laughter is all I hear. I start to sing the first words of the song and walk over to the left side of the big stage. In the middle of the song, I walk down the steps to the fans. I tap a security guard and point to a girl. He picks her up and lifts her over the rail. She hugs me tight and hug back equally as tight. I pull out if the hug and grab her hand. I walk us back on the stage and stop singing for a second.

"I want you to sing the rest," I whisper in her ear. She turned to me surprised and scared. "Do you know this song?"

She nods her head smiling scared. I could feel her shaking. I just squeeze her hand for reassurance and put the mic to her lips. She starts to sing and I'm amazed by what I heard. She was singing great for being scared. I can only imagine how great she is when she isn't put on the spot. I look to the audience with my mouth an eyes wide open. They start cheering for her. She stops singing as the song ends and I pull the mic away from her and hug her tight.

"You were amazing!" I say into the mic. "What's your name?"

"Angelina," she says timidly.

"Who are you here with?"

"My best friend, Reyna," she says.

"Hi Reyna!" I yell to where ever she is. I turn back to Angelina. " I want you and Reyna to go sit with my friends. I'll see you guys after the show."

She started squealing and hugged me. I hugged back laughing and lead her to security and they took her and I'm guessing, Reyna, to where the twins, Cameron, and Emily were. I have one more song to sing, and of course its 'Broken-hearted Girl'. I was dreading this song, but I have to give the fans what they like. I immediately look to Grayson and he nods his head as if telling me 'you'll be fine'. I nod back and take a deep breath and start the words to the song.

For some weird, but great reason, I didn't break down. I actually got through the whole song, for the first time, without crying. As I finished the song, I looked back to Grayson and smiled big. If it wasn't for him, I would have never got through that without shedding a single tear.

I blew a kiss to the audience and waved. "Thank all of you for allowing me this opportunity. I would never be where I am today without you all, and for that, I am extremely grateful! Goodnight, I love you and hope to see you soon!"

I walk off the stage and head to my dressing room. I go to change my clothes from the sweat drenched dress I have on to (outfit above). I have a meet and greet in about thirty minutes, so I had time to chill for a little.

1210 words
What a great accomplishment! Grayson must mean a lot to Kayla if his presence alone, could calm her down. Hope you enjoyed!

Tests~ Grayson DolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon