Baby Mason- Chapter 35

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Kayla's Pov

A Week Later

So far, I've been doing great. As great as a mother that just lost two of her triplets can be doing. I've only had about three serious breakdowns, so I'd say that's pretty good.

We got to take Baby Mason, which is his name by the way, home a few days after I had him. He is such a good baby. Of course all newborns cry, but he has got to be the most happiest baby I've ever been around. He only cries when Grayson and I aren't around him, other than that he's all smiles.

I'm in the nursery breastfeeding him. I love this time because it allows us to build a mother-son bond. I've started to sing to him every time we do this and I can tell he loves it. He started into my eyes and attempts to smile with my breast in his mouth. I adore my little baby so much. He will always get the best no matter what. He is a miracle and will be treated as such.

Grayson walked in quietly and stood behind the recliner we were occupying.

"Yes?" I ask him, not taking my gaze away from Mason.

"I just wanted to come and check on you guys. Also, we need to talk," he says. By the change in his tone, I can tell its something I don't want to hear.

"Okay, just let me put him to sleep and I'll be right out," I say. He says an 'okay' and exits the room. I go back to admiring my baby. His eyes were starting to droop and his sucking slowed down. I moved him to my shoulder to burp him. After a minute or so, I successfully coax one out and Mason is content and asleep. I place him in his crib, kiss his forehead, and exit his room, cracking the door a little bit.

I walk to Grayson and I's room and shut the door behind me. He is laying on the bed on his phone. I lay on his chest and he cuddles me.

"So what did you have to talk to me about?" I ask.

"Well, because of your being in the public eye, you know word gets around fast. There are articles everywhere about what happened," he says, warily. I knew this would happen, so I'm not shocked. He passes his phone to me and I read one.

This is unbelievable. How did they get specific details? They have exactly what happened and why it happened. It must have been someone in the hospital because I know Emily, Ethan, or Grayson wouldn't say anything.

"How did they get specific details about what happened?"

"I don't know, I have been trying to figure that out myself. Do you think someone at the hospital gave the press information?" He asks.

"They had to because other than us four, people at the hospital were the only ones who knew what happened. That is supposed to be confidential, what the hell?!" I exclaim.

"We can sue. That's a confidentiality problem. If I wanted our business out there, I would have told the press myself. This is fucking ridiculous," he says, rubbing his hands over his face. I ponder over the idea. It doesn't sound bad because to be fair, they did give away private information.

"Okay, I'll call my lawyers and get everything handled," I say.

"No, baby I'll do it. You should worry about Mason and resting. Matter of fact, get some rest now, today has been along day and Mason will be getting up soon," he says. I nod my head and get under the covers, drifting off into a sleep as soon as possible.

Grayson's Pov

She is strong. She has been holding her emotions in about this situation. I know she has a lot of crying left in her, but she doesn't want it to come out. I know I should probably get her help, but I feel that would make it worse for her. Her way of grieving is seeming to work for her. I won't get in the way of that.

I get up out of bed and enter the hallway. I am met with Ethan and we walk downstairs. He has really been helping me this pass week. I don't know what I would do without my brother.

"Ethan, I just want to say thank you for being here, helping my get through this. I wouldn't be as calm as I am without you," I say, sincerely.

"No problem, what is family for. I will help you and Kayla as much as you guys need and so will Emily," he says, patting my back. We continue to talk until the early hours of the morning. We go our separate ways when I hear Mason start to cry. I pick him up out of his crib and take him downstairs to prepare his bottle. The moment the nipple of the bottle is in his mouth, his cries die down and he stares up at me.

"Hey, little man. You can't scream so loud or else you're going to wake mommy and Auntie Emily. We don't want that, right? We want to let mommy rest," I say, kissing his forehead. He faintly smiles and he continues to empty the contents of the bottle. I love my little boy with every fiber of my being and I will do everything to make him happy.

914 words
5 chapters left!
Baby Mason! These moments with him warm my heart, especially Grayson and him. Hope you enjoyed!

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