Asshole- Chapter 36

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I know that's not any of them, but just pretend it is.

Kayla's Pov

A Month Later


So, Grayson and I got the best lawyer in the business to win this case. His name is Evan James and he never loses. His charge is pricy, but nothing we can't handle. Anyways, we have to attend a meeting next week to discuss what happened and everything.

I'm laying on the couch in Grayson and I's room, with Mason in my lap. I'm playing peek-a-boo with him and he's enjoying every minute of it. His smile is so big and beautiful. He even started to laugh, well not a real laugh, but an amused sound. I can't wait until he starts passing milestones.

Grayson walked in the room sweaty and went straight towards the bathroom. I guess he just came from a working out with Ethan. I start to put Mason to sleep for his nap and Grayson comes out freshly showered with only sweats on. He lays on my thigh and just relaxes. I take out my phone and take a picture of us (above).

"Kayla?" Grayson asks.


"Can we have sex?" I look at him crazily, even though he isn't looking at me.

"What the hell, Grayson?" He lifts his head up towards me.

"I mean, the last time we were intimate was months ago. I'm a man and I have needs," he says.

"Your right hand works, doesn't it?" I ask.

"That will not do the trick, well it will, but you k ow what I mean. Come on, please?"

"I'm not really comfortable with my body at the moment, and I'm still a little in pain," I say.

"Baby, you know you are sexy to me no matter what, and I'll be gentle, I promise," he says.

"No, Grayson. I don't want to, plus we have a baby that needs us every thirty minutes, seems like," I say.

"We don't have to be long, just please? I need it," he begs.

"No, and I'm not saying it again," I say with attitude. He gets off of my leg and stares at me.

"Who are you talking to like that? You better watch your tone with me," he says. I roll my eyes and chuckle. "I don't find this shit funny, Kayla."

"Don't curse when your son is right here on my chest," I say, glaring at him.

"I think I can do what the fuck I want. He can't even understand me, but if it is such a problem with you take him to his room," he says.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you just accept that I'm not comfortable and get out your feelings. Not everything is about you," I say. He didn't say anything, and walked out of the room.

He is an asshole sometimes.



Mason was waking up every hour and I was tired of it. I don't know what's wrong with him. I changed his diaper, fed him, and even sang to him, which always calms him down. He isn't sick, so I don't know what the problem is. I finally got him down again and went back to my room to sleep.

Once again, his cries wake me up. I nudge Grayson's shoulder and he doesn't respond. I do it again and he remains quiet. I shove him harder and he wakes up.

"What?" He asks, irritated.

"Its your turn to settle Mason. I got up like five times already," I said. He just stayed with his back facing me and went back to sleep.

"Grayson," I say, nudging him again.

"Oh my fucking god!" He exclaims, getting up quickly and exiting the room. He comes back with a crying Mason and lays him down in our bed.

"Now you don't have to get up, you can fucking tend to him right here. Wake me up one more goddamn time, I swear," he says, turning over. I roll my eyes and pick Mason up and take him to the guest room.

I will not be treated this way all because I denied him sex. He is a grown fucking man, he can go a few more weeks without it. Forget him cursing at me, he didn't even want to soothe his son. His SON. That's the worst thing he has ever done.

727 words
4 more chapters!
I feel like this chapter was shit, but I hope you enjoyed it!

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