Cousin Robyn- Chapter 38

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Kayla's Pov

"So how's the baby? I'd really like to see him," my cousin, Robyn says. Yes, she is the famous badgirlriri if you're wondering.

"He's good. He is a really happy baby, he hardly ever cries," I say, smiling down at the sleeping baby in my arms.

"That's good. I'm sorry I couldn't make his birth, I feel so bad," she says.

"Its okay, I know you had a show. You had to keep the people happy, I get it," I say, laughing.

"I'm not busy today, can I come to the house?"

"Sure, that would be great!"

"Okay, I'll be there around 2 o'clock," she says. We say our goodbyes and hang up. I put Mason in his crib and make my way downstairs.

I haven't spoken to Grayson ever since the incident. He hasn't made an effort to try and apologize either. I'd like to think maybe he has a trick up his sleeve, but then there's this voiced in my head saying he is tired of this relationship. Maybe I should just talk to him about it because I always make him apologize for everything. That's what I'll do.

I've been making him sleep in the guest room and he's had no contact with Mason. I kind of feel bad for that now. Maybe I just miss having him around me, helping me.

I grab a wager bottle from the fridge and head to the guest room. I go to knock on the door, but it swings open before my fist connects. There he stands, mouth agape and shock written all across his face.

"Um, yeah?" He asks, confused.

"Can we talk?" I ask. He nods his head and we make our way to his bed. For a few seconds its an awkward silence until I speak up.

"Listen, I apologize for keeping Mason from you and for making you sleep in the guest room. I just don't know why you got so mad when I told you I was uncomfortable. You made me feel like complete shit when I had the right to decline, after all I did just have a baby a month ago. I didn't like that and I'd appreciate it if you respected me wishes. Although I'm angry with how you handled Mason, I forgive you and I believe you acted out in anger and won't do it again," I said.

"I apologize, I know I should have respected you despite my needs. If I could take back how I reacted and how I treated Mason, I would and you know that. From now on I will take the night shifts and you don't have to move a muscle. I will always make you feel as comfortable as possible. I swear to you, it'll never happen again," he says. I smile at him and he returns it. We kiss and lay down, just enjoying being in each others arms once again.


"Where is my baby?!" I hear Robyn yell from the foyer. I shake my head at her loud mouth. She rounds the corner and runs to me, taking Mason out of my arms.

"He is even cuter in person," she coos, running her hands over his head and kissing his forehead.

"Nice to see you too, Rihanna," I say, giggling. She hates for her family to call her that. I never knew why, but she does.

"Watch it," she says in a warning tone, not taking her eyes off Mason.

"I'm only kidding," I say. She sits down and continues to kiss all over Mason's face.

"So how are things with you and Grayson?"

"We just got through a rough patch, but we are fine now," I say.

"Really? What happened?" I proceed to tell her the events that took place in detail and how we kiss and made up.

"No he did not. I'm glad you told me this after you made up because I would have fucked him up. I don't care who you are, no one, and I mean no one, disrespects my family." Is is why I love Robyn. She is this big star with hardly any time to spare, but when it comes to family, she will always be there for you.

"Good thing its over, I wouldn't want Mason to grow up without a father," I say, chuckling.

"Where is he anyways?" She asks.

"He's upstairs sleeping, he should be up later though. How long are you staying?"

"Well, I was thinking since I'm on break and you're not going to be performing any time soon that I could stay and help you out with Made," she says.

"That would be great! We could catch up on everything because I think the last time I saw you was..... I don't know, too long," I say and we both laugh.

"Let me call some people to bring some stuff from my house, then after, you, Mase, Grayson, and I are going put for lunch," she says, pulling out her phone.

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