Chapter 1

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"Off to your dreamy doctor again aye, Jung Hee?"

Here she goes again, talking about my doctor who she thinks is very charming. This has been going on since last month and it's like she's the one who has a crush on him, not me.

"Don't say it like that, Amy"

"Why? he unquestionably is" Amy laughed "you two look cute together ya know. But I kinda ship you with Taehyung"

"Taehyung? no way"I replied "We're friends, we would never-"

"Yes way. Everybody in our class ships you both"

"Everybody? You guys are talking about me behind my back?"

"C'mon, Junghee. Don't you see the way he looks at you? It's pretty obvious...Or are you just thick-skulled?"

"What about it? Maybe he's like that towards other girls too. You're too imaginative, Amy. Just use your imaginative skills on our project, the deadline's coming up"

How could she say something so ridiculous? But I mean, it's not like I don't want to be with Tae too. I'm just thinking of the consequences of crushing on our bestfriend.

"Well...if you say so. Both men look good together with you" Amy giggled

"That's absurd"

"No it's not...Can you imagine both of them fighting over you?"

"That's impossible"

"That's why I said 'I M A G I N E' Jung Hee" she rolled her eyes

"Just go home. Your curfew's at exactly 5 o'clock right? better get going or else your father's gonna be all cranky again" I teased her.

"Oh right..." she pouted, followed with a sigh "Well anyways, enjoy your time with Dr. Kim Seok Handsome" she winked before she crossed the road.


"Gimme a sec, Junghee. I'll be done in a minute" Dr. Kim said, typing away on his keyboard "How's your day?"

"Y'know, just the usual. Nothing too interesting. What about you?" I said as I sat down infront of his desk and grabbed the picture frame beside his laptop.

"Meh, same old, same old" he replied

"Say uh...Dr. Kim" I called

"How many times do I have to tell you, drop the formallities and just call me Jin" He said, eyes still glued on the screen infront of him.

"This you?" I asked as I waved the picture frame infront of his face.

"Yeah, if you spotted a handsome teen right there, that's me" He shifted his eyes on me for a second and gave me a wink before turning his attention back to what he was doing.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes "yeah, whatever you say" I can't say he's wrong though. He looks really handsome even now.

"So, has your breathing improved since last time? Or are you still having difficulties with sleeping?"

"I can sleep alright now, although I still wheeze everytime I breathe and it feels like there's something heavy on my chest"

"Well, you're doing pretty well these past few days but I still need to check up on you to make sure it doesn't get worse" he said and wore his stethoscope before standing up and walking over to me.

"breathe in and out slowly okay?" he said as he placed the diaphragm against my back. I did as I was told as he started pressing it against some parts of my back.

"Well, there still is a little wheezing going on in there. Just continue on with the medication I gave you and let's check up on you after a week to see if it made any difference"

Married To My Doctor?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant