Chapter Two: Abilities

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Chapter Two: Abilities

I woke to my shoulder stinging violently. It never had healed correctly, and this caused me to have

pain now and again. I moaned, clutching it in desperate attempt to numb the searing throb. Slowly,

but surely, I sat up, glancing through the window that was above my thin, grimy mattress.

The day was foggy, but I could make out the fact that Charlie's cruiser was gone. I placed my hands on either side of me, wincing at the pain as I pushed myself up. I grunted a lot, but managed to stand, carefully making my way over to the door of my room, and carefully opening it. I stumbled down stairs, scooping up the tattered back pack that I had managed to steal from behind the thrift store.

I slung it over my shoulder, and left out the door. Carefully, I locked it behind me. I didn't want Charlie screaming at me again after school. I left the key on the mailbox that was bolted the side of the house for when I got home. Then, I turned, stepping as lightly as possible with my bare feet across the pavement.


I went through the back entrance of the school, not wanting to have to face the other kids. They hated me, and did whatever they could to make my day worse. I kept my eyes on my bare feet, hating myself. What was so terrible that they couldn't just accept me?

I arrived to World History class early, settling in my seat silently as usual. The teacher had gotten used to this. All of them had. I unzipped my pack, pulling out a ratted notebook that was hardly intact. Every little inch had been almost filled. I never dared to leave a spot blank, using one side for as many lessons as humanly possible.

I played with the tattered edge as a few kids filed in, talking to the teacher and finding an empty seat. I glanced up. They were new students. I stared at them for a second to get a mind shot, the snapped my eyes back down, inspecting it.

There was a short, elvish girl who was no more than four feet tall. Her heals gave little advantage to her short form. Walking beside her was a bronze haired, lanky boy with shocking topaz eyes. His arm snaked around her waist as he knelt down and placed a light kiss on her flawless cheek.

Behind them was a tall, buff man. I instantly shrank into my chair into my chair, shaking the image out of my head. That is one of the odd things about me. I guess you could say that I have the... 'ability' to take a picture of an object, or person with my mind, and then see what they are doing at the exact moment that I want. Like a movie. Except I can see what the person is doing in the present, what he has done in the past, and what he will do in the future.

It is hard to explain. The bell rang, and other students began to file into class. I stared cautiously at my notebook, flinching as Mike Newton, my regular bully tossed himself on my desk while the other students marveled over the strikingly beautiful new classmates.

Before Mike could do anything, Mr. Mason directed him to his seat. I sighed in relief, loosening my tensed body. "Class please turn to page 173 in your textbooks," He commanded. I did so, pulling it out of my desk in a clumsy motion.

I read hungrily, not bothering to stay paced with the slow class. The teacher didn't really care, as long as I still passed the tests with a perfect score. I sighed against my book, closing it when I was done with the chapter. "Done already Ms. Swan?" Mr. Mason questioned, a smirk on his young face.

It was not hard to see that I was his favorite student here at Forks High School. I nodded blushing. "Very well then. You may read ahead a morsel if you wish or come collect your homework and leave for your next class," I heard jealous groans coming from the other students.

I shoved my notebook in the blue, faded backpack and slung it over my shoulder, hurrying to the front of the class. I grasped my homework from the teachers hand, and thanked him silently. I could feel his eyes on my back. There was something about Mr. Mason, what, I was unsure. I sighed in relief. I had made it out of World History okay. The rest of the day would be a complete mystery.

I walked to the library, planning to spend my extra half an hour of free time completing my homework for that night. I pulled the blue chair to one of the tables out, tossing my no longer clutched homework on the table. I walked to the librarian's desk, asking to borrow a pencil, and smiling nervously when she said yes and began rummaging through her desk.

She handed me a blue one with stars on it after sharpening it until its tip was pointed and ready to write with. "Thanks," I muttered gratefully, walking back over to the desk. I finished the first few problems easily. The next few were a bit harder. How was I supposed to know what 7z-3.14 is? The thing didn't even tell me what z stood for!

I sighed, giving up after multiple times, and shoving the paper in my bag, taking the pencil back to the librarian's desk before leaving. I wandered the halls for a while, before bumping into someone while turning a corner. I fell back, preparing myself to land flat on the ground.

I opened my involuntarily closed eyes, peeking up. I blushed. A blonde haired man had caught my fall, and had pulled me close to his chest so I could regain my balance. "Th-thanks," I muttered, embarrassed at my clumsiness.

"My pleasure," His voice had a southern drawl to it, and I couldn't help but blush more. "My name is Jasper. Jasper Whitlock Hale."

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