Chapter Thirty-One: Victoria!

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Chapter Thirty-One: Victoria!

Bella POV

"A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. But no human army can stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are; first never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. The second, never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that and you will lose."

"One more thing, never turn your back on your enemy."

Jasper's words rang through my head as I clutched his hand tightly. If he had been human I probably would have crushed his hand. Me still being a newborn, I'm surprise I haven't done that yet.

We all stood in a cluster, waiting for Victoria and her army. It was already proved that it would be small so we didn't need all the vampires that had joined us for the Volturi.

Volturi. They would be here tomorrow.

That one word made shivers run down my spine and makes me feel sick. I had learned much about them over the couple of days. There was Aro, the main guy and his two flanks, Caius and Marcus; and they were all very old dudes.

Carlisle had been with them for a century at one point so he knew how they worked. It amazed me still, how old my family actually was since they always looked so young.

I had little knowledge on how this was going to go down. The others had tried to help me, but, it just didn't seem to stick.

I hadn't new able to watch TV when I lived with my wonderous father. Nothing. Zip. Not even a movie. So I've never seen a fight go down. Only read about them being described in books. My life had been pretty sad before.

It's a good thing vampires absorbed knowledge so well, because I would have died before I knew what hit me in this fight that was about to go down if I didn't.

The Werewolves hid behind us in a cluster of thick trees and bushes. They would come out at the last moment and help attack after the newborns emerged. Everything was planned out with precision. It just had to go well. If one of us died, I would never forgive myself.

I suddenly tensed as I caught breeze of many vampire sent's. My eyes moved quickly back and forth as I scanned the area for sight of any of them.

Jasper squeezes my hand but I can't relax and get into a fighting position. The others are now on alert and are also scanning the area.

Five minutes and two seconds later, the first newborns emerge for the brush. They catch sight of us and start hissing and snapping their teeth at us. I swallow thickly and pray to god we all make it through this.

Stefan and Vladimir were the first to lung forward. They had been more than happy to help us with both fights. I had concluded them as Dracula 1 and 2, and because of that I have forgotten their names multiple times. Some vampire memory huh?

These guys annoyed, amused, and confused me all the same.

Apparently, no one hates the Volturi quite like these weird duo of ancient Romanians. Before the Volturi came along, these guys had 10 others on their team and ruled the world for ages!

Lucky freaks.

Since they filled their army with brute strength rather than talent, though, the Volturi were able to ouster them from the throne and nearly destroyed the Romanians altogether, including their mates.

Not so lucky freaks.

So, they had joined us in hope, no-for, revenge. Most of us were hoping it wouldn't come down to a fight, but I had a bad feeling it was going to come down to it.

Peter and Char were next. Char had a determined look on her face while Peter looked as happy as a kid in a candy store. He was just as strange as the Romanians, and I was lucky I got half of the cryptic stuff he threw out.

Everyone started to fan out after them. Heading in all different directions before heads started to be pulled. It had taken me a while to get use to the fact that I had to be killing people, but it settled.

I let go of Jasper's hand and nodded to him when the werewolves roared and emerged from their hiding spot, taking the newborns by surprise. Just like planned.

I lunged out and pulled a vampire that I had thrown himself onto Alice's back while she struggled with another vampire. With the guy off her back, I ripped his head off and cringed slightly at the sound while Alice finished off the guy who came up to her from the front.

She turns quickly and surprise lights up her features when she realized I was the one to help. She smiled, "Thanks."

I nod and head on to help the others and take more newborns down wist looking for Victoria. But not once yet I have I caught her fiery red mess of hair.

Frowning, I knee a guy in the nuts and twist around to pull his head off with ease.

The newborns dwindled quickly thanks to both vampires and werewolves working together. I couldn't help but wonder why our kinds never tried to get along better and work together. Life would probably be much easier.

With that thought, I caught fire through the bushes. Only, it wasn't fire. But Victoria. Rage flew threw me and I chased after her. Not caring who followed or if anyone was going to try and stop me.

We ran for about a mile or two before we found ourselves up in the mountains where it was snowing. Making it look like a beautiful Christmas scene that I had seen on postcards.

She suddenly came to an abrupt stop and turned around to smirk at me. I narrow my eyes and hiss and her making her laugh loudly.

"Well, well. Look what we have here. Little old, helpless Bella. No protection, and hardly well at fighting. This is going to be easier than I thought!" She muses and I take deep breaths to control my anger.

I then snort. I can fight just fine. I don't need people to help me all the dang time.

Anger makes you fight sloppy, I remember Jasper telling me, make them angry, they'll fight sloppy.

As I calmed myself down, I thought of a witty comeback to make her angry. "At least I'm not a desperate bitch." I say snippily.

Anger flashed through her eyes.

"Desperate bitch? You followed me." She smirks, but I'm not done.

I give a lazy smirk. "Yes. But you lead me out here away from the others where you would be able to take, oh so helpless me. Pathetic." I say shaking my head in mock disappointment and pretended to study my nails.

Jeez, since when am I so confident? This should be on broadway! I mentally give myself a pat on the back.

She growls and the rage grows brighter. Yet, she doesn't say a word. I smirk.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" I coo and pretend to pout.

At this, she shrieks and lungs forward. I blur into fighting position and brace for attack.

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