Chapter Fourteen: Adoption?

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Chapter Fourteen: Adoption?

Bella POV

Forgetting that I hardly trusted Dr. Carlisle, forgetting that the blond guy was here-and kinda cute, cough-and forgetting where I was I gaped at him and it was like my whole world froze. He actually killed my father, he actually killed my father!
If it wasn't for the fact I was hooked up to wires, I would be jumping up and down screaming happily and hugging him to death. My fathers dead! I don't think I've been more happier in my life!

Dr. Carlisle started to seem more worried when I didn't say anything but all I could do was smile happily; he seemed to relax a bit at that and looked back at his son, who gave a quick thumbs up. I frowned, what was that about?

Dr. Carlisle turned back to me and smiled. "Please call me Carlisle Bella." He says. I nod and he gestures to his son. "Bella this is my son Jasper."

I nod and look at Jasper. Ha! I was right, he was his son! I mean it was so obvious anyway. Wait, I remember now, meeting him at school when I-. I blushed slightly.
Jasper smiled and put his hand out hesitantly.

"Hello Bella. I hope you haven't minded me hanging around." He says, sounding kinda sheepish, I noticed he has a Texan accent. I hesitantly take his hand and give small smile.
"It's alright." I say quietly and release his hand.

"Bella." I turned my attention from Jasper back to Carlisle. "Do you remember my wife, Esme, who came in here a day or so ago?" He asks. I nod slowly. "Well, we were wondering, since your considered an orphan right now, that you would like to join my family." He says.

I look at him, like really look at him. He seemed really caring and honest about adopting me. But I've seen it all, Charlie would always play that way; the good guy as everyone would see him.
But than again, Carlisle was right. I had no where to go really. I guess I didn't really have a choice. Besides, if it doesn't work out, when I graduate I can leave and move to another state.

I nod slowly and swallow. "Alright." I say, my voice shaking. Carlisle smiles softly and puts his hand lightly on my shoulder.
"Bella, I promise me and my family won't hurt you. I'm going to go get things worked out so we can get you out of here. I'll leave Jasper here and be back soon." He says and with that he's gone.

I look back at Jasper, who's watching me carefully.

"So, you and your siblings all related?" I ask. Jasper shakes his head.
"No, we're all adopted." He says. I reply with a brilliant-sarcasm-'oh' and frown trying to work out what seems like a puzzle.
Their all adopted yet as far as I've seen, both Carlisle, Esme and Jasper have pale skin and gold eyes; and I'm betting my money that the rest are just the same, pale and golden-eyed. If I had any money, I'm pretty much broke.

"Where are you from?" I suddenly blurted, and blushed slightly. Jasper just smiled.
"I was born in Huston, Texas." He says. I make another brilliant 'oh'. That's cool, I visited Texas once, and met a red-eyed man and women named Peter and Charlotte. Thou, that was when my mom was alive.
I wonder if he's ever met them. I frown at that; you know they did mention a man named Jasper, could he have been the one their talking about?

"Jasper," I start, he glances over at me. "What's your last name?" I ask.
"Hale." He says. I shake my head.
"No, before you were adopted." I say. He cocks his head to the side and frowns.

"Whitlock, why?" He asks. Excitement bubbles inside of me. I was right! He must know them then, and they must be related somehow. Brothers maybe? A smile breaks across my face.
"What?!" He asks.

"Jasper Whitlock! Ha! You know Peter and Charlotte Whitlock then! Brothers or something right?" I ask. His face widens in surprise.
"Yes, something like that." He says as Carlisle enters the room.

"Bella, you will be allowed to leave tomorrow. Welcome to the family." He says happily. I couldn't help the grin that spreads across my family. I'm finally getting out of this smelly, freaky place! And maybe into a nice, loving home!

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