Chapter Ten: It All Tallied Up To....

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Chapter Ten: It All Tallied Up To....

Jasper's POV

I knocked on door 607 when I had finally made it to the 6th floor of Forks General Hospital. Opening it slowly, I peeked in. Sure enough, there she was.

Isabella, sitting battered in the hospital bed. Asleep, but not in coma. Carlisle was reading a book across the room. "Don't you have a shift going on?" I questioned, surprised he wasn't in another room helping some patient dying of allergies.

"I'm on break. I figured I would spend it here because of her state health wise." I nodded, shutting the door and seating myself in a chair near the bed. I watched Isabella's chest rise and fall as she drew breaths slowly. (NO NOT IN A PERVERTED WAY YOU PERVS! -_-)

"How bad is it? The final score I mean? What are the injuries?" I sighed annoyed at myself for my lack of coherent words.

"Well it all tallied up to a fractured shoulder that she will need surgery on -later when she is in a more stable state- to fix, forty-seven bruises on the upper half of her body, sixteen on her lower half, a cracked shin, three cracked ribs, about twenty scars scattered everywhere, and a knife wound on her torso."

I drew in a heavy, unneeded breath. "And all of this was from-"

"Mr. Swan. About that... I came up with the cover story of self defense for me, and Isabella. If someone decides to testify against us for it, we will do what we can, and if worst comes to worst... We run."

I shook my head. "He deserved it. Do you know when she will wake up?"

"No clue about that. It will be a miracle if she wakes before three days... Or even at all for that matter. We did all we could... All that is left is to wait for a miracle. We gathered a bit of information on her other family. Charlie Swan and his wife Renee married in 97. Isabella was born a year prior to that. In 2001, Mrs. Swan disappeared, and wasn't sighted again until a year later when a body was identified as hers in the morgue of LA Hospital, two states away. I believe that is when the abuse started."

I shook my head at the load of info. "So did they find out how Renee died?"

"Nope. But I have a feeling it has to do with Charlie. Something never felt right about that man. And the chances of us having to flee are extremely high, seeing as he is an officer..."

There was silence. I glanced back at Isabella's sleeping form. Her brown, black streaked hair cascaded in knots about the pillow, and even as the gentleman that I normally am, I had to admit, she was not beautiful in the state she was in. She was miserable.

A knock at the door made me look up, and I watched as Rosalie, my adoptive sister walked in quietly. "Emmett told me to bring you these for her... He said she would be hungry when she woke up..." She glanced at the girls broken body with a sympathetic look as she held out a bag of chips for Carlisle to grab, before seating herself in a chair beside his.

"How bad is it?" She asked worriedly, watching Isabella as Carlisle repeated what he had told me. Okay, exactly what he had told me. Word for word. This man really had his charts memorized... I sighed as I listened again.

"Well it all tallied up to a fractured shoulder that she will need surgery on -later when she is in a more stable state- to fix, forty-seven bruises on the upper half of her body, sixteen on her lower half, a cracked shin, three cracked ribs, about twenty scars scattered everywhere, and a knife wound on her torso."

The words finally registered and I looked up, questioning as I did so. "How are you going to fix her shoulder?"

"Well that would include the process of rebreaking it, and adjusting the bones properly so that they can heal right. A gruesome task really, but it must be done..." He sighed and Rosalie shook her head.

"Why people would be so cruel is beyond me..." She muttered.

I sighed. This would be a long battle for this girl... But then again, Carlisle always had gotten carried away with this sort of thing...

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