Chapter Eighteen: Escapé

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Chapter Eighteen: Escapé

Bella POV

I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I scrambled out of bed and quickly shoved my journal between the mattress.

"Just a sec!" I called as I untangled my hair and tried to fix the sheets a bit. I then hurried toward the door and opened it to find Jasper waiting patiently.
"Hi." I said quietly. He gave me a small smile.
"Esme's making something for ya to eat and would like ya to come down." He says. I nod and swallow, stepping out I follow him down the stairs.

As we pass the living room where everyone is hanging out, Alice glares at me and the others give me quick smiles. Alice glances at Edward and after a moment he shakes his head. Alice huffs, crosses her arms like a five year old who can't get her way, and glares at the TV.

I quickly hurry as we enter the kitchen and Esme hands me some water and a sandwich. As I chew I come to realize I've never seen them eat. I frown slightly, strange.
Oh! That's reminds me, I need to do some research. I'll probably do that later tonight after I sneak over to my 'old house' real quick.

I'm planning on heading to my 'old house' after it starts to become dark. I'll quickly search the house and come back, even if I don't find anything. I'm sure they'll freak if they find out I'm gone. They'll probably think I'm trying to run or kill myself or something; I really don't want that to happen.

After I finish, me and Jasper head into the living room and I pretend to watch TV while I form a plan in my head and make sure it'll work.
I suddenly catch eyes with Alice and get a glimpse of her past. It really confuses me.

She's stuck in an asylum and some Doctor is hovering her worriedly. But that's not confuses me, it's the red eyes and pale skin that he has and she has brown eyes instead of gold! He suddenly reaches down and bites her! What the heck?!
She screams out and all of a sudden a blond haired, red eyed, and pale skin man bursts in and growls. The Doctor hisses, "James!" In response 'James' hisses, "Hassan!" Than they started attacking each other while Alice was...changing?

I looked away as Alice glared at me again. What the heck was that all about? Why did that guy bite her? Who was Hassan and James? What were they? What was Alice now? And her family? What is going on with family?


I climbed down the side of the house, hanging onto the vines and quietly hit the ground. Everyone was in there rooms so I figured it's was a good time to go.
I had grabbed a small backpack and stuck my journal and a flashlight in it. I hurried away from the house and tried to stay on the path so I wouldn't trip on anything. Unless it was my own two feet.

I went into a jog as I started to see less and less trees and brush. I was still going to have a long ways to go but I left a note on my bed just in case I wasn't back before anyone realized I was gone.
Didn't want them to think I ran away. Guess I'm just lucky I even made it out, but I have a feeling, I'm not going to be so lucky next time with the Cullen's around.

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