Chapter Sixteen: Meeting The Family

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Chapter Sixteen: Meeting The Family

Bella POV

Alice glared across at me from where a bronze boy had pulled her into his arms. I tried to ignore her by looking around at the others. There was that very buff guy I remember from when they all first walked in. Everything in me told me to run or take a step back, but I held my ground; not wanting to show fear. There was a blonde girl, who had the buff guys arms wrapped around her.

The blonde looked as to be a super model from a cover girl magazine. I already knew Jasper so I gave him a small, tight smile.

The blonde haired girl took herself from the buff guys arms and slowly made her way over to me. She gave me a small smile and held out her hand.

"Hi Bella, I'm Rosalie but the family calls me Rose. I'm really sorry about what's happened to you, I went through the same thing." She says, giving me a small smile. I slowly take her hand, registering her also cold touch, and give a small smile; her eyes showing honesty and caring.

"Hi Rose." I say quietly. She gives another smile before heading back to the buff guy, who slowly makes his way over. I know he's trying to not scare me so I try to relax and not flinch.

"Hi Bella, I'm Emmett!" He says softly but excitedly. I can tell he must have a booming voice and is having trouble keeping quiet but is for my sake. He also sticks his hand slowly, but a bit more slower than Rose, and gives me a big smile.

I can't help but smile back. "Hi Emmett." I say a bit louder than I did with Rose. They seem nice and caring, and Rose said she went through the same thing as me so I can see us becoming great friends. I knew what I saw was pain and horror in her past. Emmett seems like a big, joking teddy bear; and I think we'll get along great as time goes on.

Emmett backs away and that bronze haired dude slowly walks forward after he lets going of an angry pixie Alice. He gives me a small smile and sticks out his hand also.

"Hello Bella, I'm Edward." He says. I give him a small smile and take his hand.

"Hello." I say quietly.

"Ignore Alice, she'll come around." He says smiling, letting my hand go and heading back toward Alice, who was still glaring at me.

"Alright, and you already know Jasper so I was called in for an emergency a few minutes ago so I have to go, but I'll see you all later." Carlisle says, giving Esme a quick kiss, he waves to us all and heads out.

Once he's gone Alice storms up the stairs and Edward gives an apologetic smile and hurries after her.

Rose walks over and gives me a quick, light hug and smiles before her and Emmett disappear up stairs. That leaves Jasper, Esme, and me.

Esme takes me into the kitchen for something to eat, and while I chew I can't help but think about Carlisle and the phone call. I never saw, nor heard him talking; or even disappear to talk! So when exactly did it happen? What am I missing?

I knew one thing was for sure, this family was not normal; for they might not even be human. Am I living with aliens? I'm going to have to do some research.

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