Chapter Thirty: Two Days

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Chapter Thirty: Two Days

Bella POV

"Focus Bella." Kate says as she reaches out to zap Jasper who stands between us.

I held back a few sarcastic, and snippy, smart-ass comments and tried to focus.

We were working on expanding my shield so it would be helpful for the fight. Eleazar told told us about it after we brought him back to Forks.

We were gathering everyone one we could for both fights with Victoria, then with my 'father' and the Volturi.

Many people have been hesitant about coming, but then when they learned about me and how easy-well kinda-it would be, they came.

Eleazar almost slipped up about me having two gifts but I was able to silence him before he said anything. I had a talk with him later that day, explaining everything to him about why I didn't want the others to know.

The less they knew, the less Aro could be able to figure out with his touch. Since I had a shield I was safe and could be told every secret in the world, and no mind reader would ever be able to figure it out, from me anyway.

Right now I was trying to keep Alice from seeing Jasper's future, Edward from reading his mind, Eleazer from knowing his gift, and Kate from zapping him senseless.

Later today some Amazons from a vampire coven would be joining us and Jasper, Peter, and Char were going to help everyone learn to fight.

Peter and Char were mates, and best friends of Jasper's. They had taken an immediate liking to me, I had after a day. I was still having trust issues, and loads of new vampires were not going to help.

Peter and Char had met Jasper back in Texas during the vampire wars, which I have found very fascinating. That's where all their scars and skill in fighting came from.

They all fought and taught many vampires. Long story short, one day, when Char was suppose to be killed because of her one year mark being up, Peter told her to run. And Jasper didn't stop them.

Peter came back later and saved Jasper from the horrible life he was living. Jasper lived with them for a while before moving around and finding Alice at a dinner one night.

There, she took both of them on a trip to find the Cullen's and became part of their coven. Bringing us to, today.

I focused hard and relaxed as I threw out my shield and wrapped it around Jasper. It took me a moment, and I feel absolutely horrible, before I had it locked and Jasper wasn't in pain anymore.

I grinned in my victory and waited until Kate pulled away to take down my shield.

"Great job, Bella!" Garret says smiling.

I nod shyly and give a small smile.

Suddenly, I snap my head up and look toward the direction I hear people running. But it was much faster than a human could ever run, so it had to be vampire. Two of them.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I glanced up. "What is it?" Jasper asks and I glance back toward the brush. They were still about two miles away.

I forgot I still had more advanced hearing right now since I was still newborn.

"Vampires. Two of them." I say and Jasper nods.

Those out here who are not a Cullen, are watching me now. They've hardly heard me talk. The others have briefed them lightly about my past, but they didn't want to tell someone else's story. And no one was getting anything out of me since I hardly talked to them.

About five minutes later, two girl vampires emerge from the clearing and I immediately recognize them as Amazons. Don't ask me how, I just do.

I mean, their weird clothing made of skin, leaves and beads kinda gave them away don't you think?

"It's Senna and Zafrina, from the Amazon." Edward says as we step closer to them.

That was good, now we could get this on on the road. Two days, that's how long we had; and I didn't want anyone to die because of me.

"I'll go grab everyone else. Emmett, you go grab the wolves." Edward says wrinkling his nose slightly at the end.

Emmett rolls his eyes but nods and breaks away from his spot near Garret to go get them.

Jasper grabs my hand as we head towards another area more open and able to train. He squeezes it lightly and gives me an encouraging smile.

I give him a small smile. If only I could be so confident.

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