Chapter Twenty-Four: Baseball?

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Baseball?

Bella POV

When we entered the house I was crushed in Esme's hug. Apparently, Charlie's house blowing up in flames spread quicker then butter on bread in this town. All things spread quicker than butter thou, in this town.

Once Esme let me go she gave Jasper a hug and then lead me to the kitchen for dinner. I swore it just felt like I had lunch, but I'm living in their house so I just follow what they do. I'm use to being told what to do anyway.

After dinner we all sat around they living room and watched TV for awhile. You know, I can't remember the time I went to school, last week maybe? None of us have gone back to school and I'm starting to wonder if we ever will.

How would the kids react anyway to me being with the Cullen's now? Ugh, they'd probably just find another way to call me a slut and how I'm using the Cullen's.

Thou, I'm with the Cullen's and that might mean they'll leave me alone. The Cullen's are vampires which means their strong and could defiantly help me in a fight.

Rose and Emmett were the first to leave, probably pretending to go to bed or whatever. Rose gave me a quick, hesitant hug and Emmett just smiled before they disappeared upstairs.

Alice must have saw this as the perfect opportunity because she then got up, glared at me, and left. Edward rolled his eyes slightly and gave me a smile before following Alice.

That left Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, and me.

An hour and a half later Carlisle and Esme left to go to their rooms after giving me hugs and a quick kiss on the forehead. I've really started getting use to the coldness of their skin, it's....

nice,.. different.

I tried to will myself to stay awake but thirty minutes later, my head had fallen onto Jasper's shoulder and I was falling asleep.


I knew it was morning when I heard people moving and the light was shining brightly through the windows. I also knew I wasn't in my room when I felt someone over me and they were saying my name. Well, uh, more like a strange nickname.

"Bells. Belly-Bean. Wakie-wakie pudding pie. OW! ROSIE."

"You moron leave her be! And she's not a pudding pie! Your not even her father, just her adopted brother stupid."

I opened my eyes to see Emmett's face just a few inches a way from me with a silly grin on his face. I screamed and about fell off the couch. Emmett doubled over with laughter and Rose scolded him and gave him a slap.

I on the other hand, was taking deep breaths to calm the beating of my heart and Jasper had come over to give me a hand up.

"Emmett, really? You scared the death outta her." Jasper's says raising an eyebrow, keeping a hold of my arm while I steady myself.

Emmett stops laughing and pouts, making him look like a sad teddy bear.

"Aw, come on Jazzman! I was just playing and trying to wake her. I wanna play some baseball!" He wines. The vampires in the room look at him incredulous.

"First Bella needs breakfast." Esme says coming in the room and lightly grabbing my arm to lead me to the kitchen.

I quickly down my breakfast, eager to watch how they play baseball. I hope everyone agrees with Emmett. I could imagine him breaking the bat like a stick, especially with his strength and size that still makes me cringe a bit.

Once Esme took my dishes and stuck them in the sink, me and her headed back out to the living room. Where Alice, Emmett, Rose and Jasper were fighting.

I sighed and guilt sliced through my gut. Sometimes I think it's all my fault for all these fights, and that I shouldn't even be here. That I'm a mistake and should just kill myself.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Alice yells at Emmett.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Rose snaps at Alice.


"YA! THEN SHE'LL FIGURE OUT!" Alice screeches.

"Your being ridiculous, Alice!" Jasper snaps, joining in.


"Maybe if you were her, you'd feel the same! And she's family Alice! Live with it!" Jasper snaps and Rose nods in agreement.

I quickly mutter a quick excuse me to Esme before rushing up to my room and slamming the door. I walked over to the mirror that sat on my table and looked at myself. I didn't look like them, I never would.

Their just so perfect, I put a dent in their flawlessness. My plain mahogany curled hair, pale skin that makes me look like them, and plain brown eyes. I don't even know if I had even seen them spark with life.

I sighed and threw myself in my bed, I felt the tears coming. I would never fit in here. They should have just let me die and be happy. Instead I was here causing problems in the Cullen house. I was making everything complicated, I'm sure it was easier without me.

I sudden light knock on my door made me jump. My heart jumped in my chest and I sniffed, trying to get my emotions under control.

"Come in." I mutter shakily. Oh ya, so not obvious. Thou, it didn't help that my eyes were probably red and my shirt sleeve was soaked.

I looked over to see the door open and Jasper hesitantly entered. I was surprised that it was him and not Esme, or Carlisle, or even Rose.

He shut the door silently behind him and just stood near the door for a minute. He hesitantly took a step forward and for some reason I started to become calmer.

He cleared his throat. "Are you alright?" He asks. I wiped a tear that started to fall and nodded.

He frowned slightly and slowly made his way over to my bed. He sat at the bottom edge of my made and watched me for a moment.

"Are you sure? You don't need to worry about Alice if that's what's bothering you. She's always been like this." He says. I shake my head.

"Yelling? About others?" I ask quietly.

"Ye-no." He sighs. "Sometimes." I nod.

"You want to tell me what's up?" I shook my head. He would probably hate me.

He went to say something else, but Emmett's booming voice interrupted him.

"Come on guys! I want to play baseball!" He calls.

Jasper looks down and sighs, shaking his head. He stands and heads toward the door. He opens it and looks back at me, still sitting on the bed.

"You coming?" He asks. I nod and jump up as he heads out. I head over to my closet and pull out a pair of socks and my black converse. I quickly tie my shoelaces and happen to catch sight of a black hat.

I pick it up and examen it. Hmm, I guess it would work, I've never been to a baseball game and I'm not planning on playing. I stick it on and head down stairs.

The others had already left and Jasper said we were going to take Emmett's jeep. I was very hesitant at first, but went along with it; happy I had decided to were a hoodie today because it was a bit chilly outside.

When we arrived at the field were everyone was going to play, Jasper parked the jeep not to far away. He took my hand to help me out, and I felt a tingling sensation when I did. I pretended not to notice and we headed over to the others.

They were all dressed in baseball like clothes like Jasper, which I had somehow failed to notice before. Most of them were all also wearing hats so I was glad I was not the only one.

Emmett threw his fist in the air and boomed,

"Alright! Let's play some baseball!"

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