Chapter Twenty-One: Showing

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Chapter Twenty-One: Showing

Bella POV

I sat there for five minutes straight, crying my eyes out like a little baby. But I soon realized with fear, that my father was still-or was becoming- alive and I had to kill him once and for all. I also realized that my father did kill my mother, and that fear and sadness was replaced with hatred and anger.

I was going to get the venom from the Cullen's, who are vampires! Should've known. Ah, oh well. Mom did save me the time and research, and I would have figured it out anyway.

I frowned and opened the last letter, which I about dropped as if it was on fire. Holy crap! Money! I sat there and counted it for about 3 minutes. Two million! Wow! Where have you been all my life?! Oh wait, under my dang floorboards. Ugh, shoulda figured this out earlier; the money would have been nice!

I looked at the time and saw it was 2:31 and hopped out of bed. The lights were still on, which I use to seem as strange but now that I know their vampires,it's not strange at all. So I know their awake, and I betcha their going to try and come up with an excuse to why half of them are down stairs.

I quietly opened the door, hoping that they wood mistake it for the house creaking and hurriedly, but quietly, made my way toward the stairs. Thank god I hate nightgowns and wore a t-shirt and pj pants; it would be embarrassing if I was the only wearing a nightgown.

I hesitated at the top of the stairs, but not where they could see me. What if I can't trust them? My mom says I can trust them and I trust her but what if I can't trust them?! I sighed and just headed down the stairs. I trust my mom, so I'm going to have to learn to trust my new family. No matter how much I hate having to trust people because it's so hard.

I was thankful for about a second when I only saw Rose, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper. But I knew I needed Alice too, I needed everyone. I cursed in my head; I really hope Alice does come around like Edward said. 'Cause if we can't get along, we're going to be in some serious crap.

Everyone looked up as I entered and my hands tightened on the paper. You can do this, deep breaths. You have to learn to trust them because not everyone is going to try and kill you. Ya right, I'll believe when I see it.

"Um," I started; my voice shaked a little. "I need to talk to everyone. And Alice and Edward need to be here to, to see this." As I said this they both came down, Alice looking ticked off. I knew they would hear me, but I was hoping they'd be a bit slower.

"What's wrong Bella?" Esme asks worriedly. I swallowed.

"Um, here." I held out the note and Esme came over to take it; they gathered around and read over each other's shoulders. After a few minutes, gasps escaped their mouths and they read it over again. I stood there awkwardly waiting.

"Yep, we have venom." Emmett said aloud. Alice glared at him. "I mean, we have lots of venom, snakes mostly." He says quickly and laughs awkwardly. Jasper and Edward roll their eyes and glance at each other. Edward nods at Jasper for a minute than looks at Carlisle, who he nods also after a minute of looking at him.

What the heck?! Can he like read.......oh! Vampires, DUH! They must have powers but can he read my mind?


Yes! Guess he can't read my mind, if he can read minds. Which I'm 99% sure he can. Betcha a million dollars. Which I now have, thanks to mom!

"Well, I guess we have a father to kill, huh." Alice says sarcastically. I want to say, 'No duh stupid!' but that wouldn't be nice and I'm not that kinda person.

"No kid, Alice." Emmett says grinning, and rolls his eyes. Alice glares at him, thank you Emmett.

"Well, we'll deal with this in the morning." Says Carlisle and Esme takes me back to bed. I sigh. I hope this instinct to tell them comes soon, 'cause, this is going to start becoming ridiculous.

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