Chapter Twenty-Two: Charlie

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Charlie

Bella POV

I awoke to the sound of fighting and yelling. Jeesh, is it always like this in the mornings?

I quietly got out of bed and headed to the shower. I didn't really need to be quiet since they would hear me, but since they don't know I know about them, it's better to act.

I got out of the shower after washing myself and wrapped myself in a towel. I stepped out and dressed in skinny jeans and a black hoodie.

I slipped out my door and quietly made my way over toward the stairs. The voices became louder as I peaked over the side.

"I DONT CARE! WE'LL DIE BECAUSE OF HER!" Alice screeches. Jasper glares at her and Rose yells back.


"THAT GIRL!" Alice yells and storms out the door. Edward moves to go follow and everything is silent.

I keep my breathing even as I back up a little and then move forward and head down the stairs. I take the stairs step by step as quickly as I can.

Rose is glaring after Alice, Emmett looks furious, and Jasper is giving a kinda deathly look after Alice that make me shiver slightly.

I swallow loudly and everyone's gaze snaps toward me. Their gazes soften as they realize it's only me. Jasper throws a quick, worried look at Esme; she gives me a smile and leads me to the kitchen for breakfast.

I inwardly sigh. They were trying way to hard to keep themselves a secret.

Esme hands me a plate of eggs giving me another smile, before disappearing into the other room where everyone's talking in hushed whispers. I really hate being out of the loop.

I wonder if they were talking about my 'father'. Or about what just happened with Alice. Jeesh, she sure was a freakin a hard shell to break when it came to me.

That wasn't the big question thou. It was, what the hell were we-was I-going to do about Charlie? Surly vampires could fight against a Sarba. Renee said only a special venom could kill him-it was obvious I need vampire-and the Cullen's had just that.

The other question was how the hell was I suppose to even find Charlie? I mean, he could be freakin anywhere! God, I hated him so much, I hate him even more now!

He could tell me to do something and I wouldn't even listen! I would freakin smack him and run. Ok, yes I'm still a little coward and scared of him, especially now but, who wouldn't be?!

I stood and stuck my plate in the sink and made my way toward the living room. Edward and Alice had returned and were talking in hushed tones with Esme; who looked like she was grounding and scolding Alice.

The three gave a quick glance over at me before getting back in the conversation. Esme and Edward has given me small smiles and Alice, of course, gave me a glare. That girl needs attitude adjustment.

I took a seat on the couch close to Carlisle and Jasper, and them and Emmett smiled at me.

"What's up Belly-Bean?" Emmett asks grinning. I raises my eyebrows in surprise. He was giving me a nickname? Other than Bella? Maybe these vampires really do actually care about me. I have to remember to write in my journal later.

"Nothing." I muttered quietly. Jasper raises an eyebrow at Emmett and Carlisle speaks quickly.

"We were just talking about your 'father' and what we have to do with him." He says. I nod. "We have the venom we just need to figure out how to get it in him."

"And where he is." I mutter quietly. Carlisle nods.


"But we don't even know where he is." Alice says annoyed, as her and the other two join in with us.

"We can figure it out." Carlisle says. "We just need something of his, a piece of clothing perhaps."

Well, I guess its a good think I haven't burned the house down yet.

Everyone, excluding Alice-she just stormed up the stairs, agreed that me and Jasper would head over to my old house around 4:30.

While I waited for the time to come, I collected a couple of matches and wrote in my journal.

Dear Journal,

I've been living fairly well here with the Cullen's. They seem to actually care about me, unlike Charlie. Do you think they really care? Is it just a game? Can I even be loved by these perfect people? Or will it all come crashing down like Charlie?

They always say follow your heart, but.... I can't find what my heart is trying to tell me. It's a spinning haze. I can't follow my heart, its impossible. At least right now it is.


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