Chapter Five: Bruises

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Chapter Five: Bruises

How did he find out?

I was sure that I had hidden my bruises very well, yet for some reason, my life had taken an unexpected turn.

The nurse had brought the pain killer in, and injected it into my IV. After lying in bed for a few minutes, I began

to doze off, the pain of previous beatings disappearing.

I woke hours later, still drowsy even after getting such a decent sleep after so long a time. While I was waiting for

whoever was to come in the dreary hospital room, the danger of the situation actually hit me. Someone knew.

If Charlie found out... I didn't want to think about what would happen.

I looked at my arms. Bruises and cuts lined them up and down. Some were faded; Some were dark purple, and some had been caused just yesterday. I traced a cut that trailed from my wrist to elbow. Carefully, I pressed on a bruise near my shoulder, bending my neck a bit to see in turn from pale yellow to blinding white, before changing back to it's original color.

A knock on the door snapped me from my some what painful trance.

It opened to reveal Dr. Cullen, with a miserable look on his flawless face. "Isabella," He acknowledged my presence with a quick nod. My heart began beating. He knew. He could tell Charlie. He seemed to notice my breathing quicken as he shut the grey-white door.

"Isabella, we need to talk." He performed a questioning motion, which signaled permission to sit on the end of the white hospital bed I was lying in.

"Your father has denied everything. I need your word to confirm the abuse. Don't try to tell me nothing is wrong. You have the bruises to prove it." He looked at me seriously. "I will ensure you are taken into a safe home. But I need your word for it. We can take your father to court, and he can be charged for child neglect and abuse, and violence against another human being, along with knowledge of abuse and continuing to let it go on."

I pondered this thought in fear. Charlie actually knew?! I knew this hour would come but I had hoped I would have longer to prepare before hand. I was in no physical state to take on another beating, especially after this. He would be sure to kill me as soon as he had the chance.

"Isabella, please... I want to hel-" He was cut off by the door opening. A woman walked in. She made her way to Dr. Cullen, pecking him on the lips, and exchanging a few small words with him.

"Isabella, please let me introduce you to my wife. Esme, meet Isabella." She smiled happily, turning to me, and walking forward, opening her arms to embrace me.

"It is so nice to finally meet you Bella! Is it alright if I call you that?" She pulled back, her hands on my shoulders, looking at my face to gauge my reaction to the nickname. I nodded after a moment of letting it roll around my mind.

"Great!" She exclaimed, straitening back up and turning to Carlisle. "Sweetie, I was just coming to tell you that the temporary custody order came through. The court said that as soon as you get her confession that she can come stay with us until the

foster care finds her a good family." She spoke as if I wasn't in the room.

Her previous joy was obviously false. She was going to be just like the rest of them.

She left the room after speaking briefly of lunch with Dr. Cullen. I didn't want to stay with them. I didn't want to be stuck with their family if she was like that. Rude.

I sighed heavily.

"What is wrong Isabella?" Dr. Cullen questioned quickly.

"Nothing. I just don't want to-" I stopped. There was so many things that I didn't want to do. I didn't want to admit the abuse. I didn't want to go back "home". I didn't want to stay with his family. I didn't want to tell him that. I didn't want to feel the pain

anymore. "live." I finished quickly.

And the truth was, I didn't. It seemed as if my whole life was nothing but pain.

"I am worthless." I stated. "Why would you want to help me. I am like a broken toy. No one wants a broken toy.... Everyone wants a new, shiny one."

"Let's just say I am not everyone. And neither is my family."

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