Chapter Eight: Phone Calls

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Chapter Eight: Phone Calls

Carlisle's POV

Stopping Isabella's father would have been so easy. The simplicity of it was almost torture.
The fact that I didn't, was worse. It seemed that for the first time in years, everything was in slow
motion. The first feeling that hit me was fear. Fear of losing control and drinking her dry.

Then there was the anger at the realization. I didn't hesitate punching Mr. Swan squarely in the
cheek, not even bothering to smile when I heard Isabella's chuckle at her father's pain.

I lifted the fat man by his neck, and through him against the wall, laughing as he hit it and yelled
in agony at his cracked shoulder blades. I stalked over, crushing his ankle under my foot, and
watching him writhe as the crimson black liquid pooled around his now crushed leg.

I wrapped my hand tightly around his neck, snapping it with ease, and throwing him down onto
the tile. I ran to Isabella's bedside, scooping her up in my arms, quickly removing the IV from
her wrist and carrying her to the surgical unit.

I kicked open the door to a surgery room, placing her gently on the table, being careful not to
jostle her much. Other doctors had come in and I explained about her father coming in the room
and stabbing her.

I would explain why he was dead on the floor later. For now, I needed to get this girl fixed.

And who knows how long that will take?

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