Chapter Thirteen: Nightmares

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Chapter Thirteen: Nightmares

Bella POV

The beautiful, pale, blond hair male pushed the call to button to get one of the nurses and I pulled myself into a ball and whimpered slightly as I tangled my wires. Who were all these pale and golden eyes people that kept coming into my room?

Surly they were trying to hurt me or something. But then again I think that Dr. Carlisle dude killed my father somehow. Which I was happy but wouldn't he get arrested?

A few minutes later a nurse came in and coaxed me to stretch my legs back out from my balled up position. I was very hesitant. Was she going to hurt me?

After a lot of her reassuring I finally obeyed. She fixed my IV and heart wires and gave me some pills which started to make me feel a bit drowsy.

But the whole time I couldn't help but notice the pale, blond haired man that stood off to the side, watching quietly the whole time with worry and concern. I couldn't help but wonder what had him feeling that way as I drifted off to sleep. Which I was starting to wish the nurse hadn't made me take those sleeping pills; 'cause my night was filled with nightmares.


My dad was pulling me out of the hospital; playing his act with everyone, waving and smiling and saying how happy he was that I was alright.

Up at the hospital Dr. Carlisle was smiling and waving with what I'm now starting think is his son; that blond haired boy.

I knew they wouldn't do anything, everyone hates me, everyone; so why should they be any different. I knew that woman that Dr. Carlisle had as a wife was a phony.

I held back tears as my dad pushed me into his cop car and shut the door; blocking out everything and everyone.

This was it; he was going to kill me. I was domed. This was my fate, my destiny. And dang, it was a sad one that's for sure. At least I can go to heaven were it's sure to be much better than here.

We pulled up to the house and I quickly headed inside; thinking maybe I could get to my room before he tried to do something. But I didn't make it; he grabbed my arm and I was spun around to come face to face with a knife.

I closed my eyes as the knife came down and I fulfilled my fate, my destiny.

End Of Nightmare

I woke up screaming and Dr. Carlisle trying to wake me up to calm me down.

When I became fully awake I flinched away from him and whimpered and a few tears slipped down my face. Trying to blink back tears I searched for a clock.

When I finally found it most of the tears were gone because I finally got myself to realize it was just a nightmare and my father was really dead; at least I think so. I glanced back at Dr. Carlisle and cleared my throat so I could speak.

"Excuse me Dr. Carlisle." I said quietly but he somehow heard. He glanced me and gave me a small smile and nod for me to go on. "Is my father dead?" I asked even quieter. But he heard that also, hm.

After a pause he nods. "Your father is dead." He starts slowly. I could help the small smile that broke across my face; I was never going to have to deal with him ever again. But that means I'm an orphan and I'm not old enough to be on my own yet. Dang! That's means him and his wife might actually be adopting me! Oh god!

The smile fell from my face and I looked at him worriedly. He looked back at the blond haired guy-who I am now concluding as his son-and the guy just shrugged slightly and gestured to me as if having a silent conversation.

Dr. Carlisle looked back at me very calmly but there was worry tinted in his eyes that I could see he was trying to hide. I couldn't help but frown at that; what could he be worried about?

"Bella," He starts softly. "I killed your father."

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