Chapter Three: Stopped

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Chapter Three: Stopped

His name sounded familiar. I squinted at him warily. I almost instantly saw a flood of images intrude my mind. I wasn't looking for the past or present. That didn't matter. It was the future that bothered me. Would he turn out like everyone else? I saw him sitting

at a table that appeared to be further occupied with people that he could laugh easily with. His siblings perhaps?

I saw him swimming out into the soft currents of a lake, urgently. I watched the image.

He dove under, and came back up with a girl. ME. I shook my eyes from the movie playing in front of me. I looked up at him. He seemed good. After all, he did keep me from landing on my behind.

He smiled at me. Then he noticed my appearance. I looked down cautiously. He just pulled me closer. I realized then, that I was actually touching another human being, and yanked

instantly away, throwing myself out of his reach. He looked startled. Very startled.

Not wanting to cause more trouble, I turned and began to walk away. Then it happened.

Just as I was preparing to turn the corner, I was ambushed by someone. Being pushed up against the wall, I could see it wasn't just someone. It was Mike and his player girlfriends,

Lauren and Jessica.

"So little brat decided to run into the new kid," They had obviously been waiting. For the second time that day, I was saved from normally violent beating.

"I'm Jasper," he began, distracting Mike. "And for your information, I may be the new kid, but I'm not going to hesitate kicking your ass if need be. So I suggest that you let go of her,

and find your little bastard face somewhere else." His voice was threatening enough to make

me whimper in fear. He instantly turned toward me, and I slumped down against the wall wishing he wasn't another person here to beat me. I heard the other three run off in some

unknown direction.

"Darlin' whats wrong?" I shook my head, which had begun throbbing again. He placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch away from him, biting back a scream of fiery pain.

He pulled his hand back cautiously. I hated when this happened. 'Pain fits' as I called them.

The bruises all over my body started to feel as if they were bleeding acid. I whimpered through my snapped shut lips. This was one of the easier ones. The ones that were easiest pain wise,

but went terribly undisguised.

I heard a voice from around the corner calling my name. "Bella," As I came into view Mr. Mason rushed over. I shook my head, trying to bribe the pain to go away, just for now at least. "Bella," he knelt beside me, feeling my forehead, checking my pulse, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Bella, one of the new students, alerted me that you were in dire pain. What is wrong?" His voice was laced with undisguised concern.

I just whimpered, unable to form coherent words at the moment. I was biting my lip to keep from

falling into the darkness that was slowly enveloping me. That is just what I needed. A reason for them to take me to a hospital so Charlie could play good guy again.

I wouldn't let that happen. I tried to sit up. To run away from all the pain, and leave it behind. But the second I began to sit up, it felt as if a million needles were being shot at me from all angles. I

couldn't help but scream this time. The sides of my vision were clouded, and I couldn't help but sigh. Charlie might play good guy, but anyway for me to escape this pain, was gladly accepted.

Then, everything was utterly black.


I could hear a beeping. An annoying beeping the wouldn't shut the hell up. I couldn't be in heaven.

It wasn't supposed to be this annoying. Hell maybe? This was to dark to be hell. I could faintly here

voices muttering, and focused in on them.

"Alice, it is physically impossible for that much damage to self inflicted. Did you even look at the

timing paper? A completely shattered shoulder, that would have to be re-broke and put in a cast

to heal right. A very deep wound on her thigh, at least fifty bruises if not more scattered over her

body. How can you say she did that to her self?"

"I still don't believe it. I think she just wants attention." A rather snooty voice in comparison to the first spoke. A door was slammed, startling me into opening my eyes. I was staring at a white ceiling, rather dull in my eyes. The beeping was coming from a machine that had tubes tangled and

inserted in my wrist.

I wasn't in the same clothes that I was wearing when I came, and this caused me to jolt upright in alarm. The beeping got louder, and a blonde man in a white coat instantly was at my side, "Isabella, are you okay, what's wrong?" I looked around the room alarmed.

"Where's Charlie?" I didn't bother answering the previous question.

"He is in the waiting room," I froze at these words. The monitor stopped beeping for a second, before starting back up.

"Isabella, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I shook my head in a daze. I should be used to the fact by

now that Charlie is always going to be there to distribute the torture of a penetrating gaze, that only I knew the true meaning behind. This wouldn't be good at all. "Would you like me to go get him?"

The words brought me back to reality. "No, please no!" His hand backed away from the door knob.

"Okay then." he sounded startled, worried even.

I sighed in relief, dropping back down onto the pillow. "Isabella," The man began to speak. "I am Dr. Cullen. I and other doctors have done tests, and-"

"No." I stated simply, cutting him off. I didn't want to deal with this right now. I wanted to have a stress free hour to myself before I had to go back there. Back to the horrible place called 'home'.

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