Chapter Thirty-Three: Volturi

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Volturi

Bree POV

Me, and my new father Jasper, watched as my new mother Bella, paced back and forth in the tent. It was very large with a few sleeping bags and fake food just in case humans crossed paths with us.

I only choose Jasper and Bella over Esme and Carlisle because I saw the way Bella looked at me. And Jasper did find me after all.

Of course, Bella and Jasper weren't married. But I think they had a thing for each other by the way they held hands and looked at each. They, well I think just Bella, didn't realize they liked each other.

Hopefully I would be able to help them a bit. My aunt Alice seemed to be trying to do that the way she paired us all up together in this tent. We had few tents set up outside the field we would meet the Volturi at. It was bigger than the other one we fought with Victoria in.

"Bella, your goin to pace a hole into the tent. Try ta calm down." Dad says, trying to help calm mom down.

I don't think it was panic she was feeling, just worried and stressed. Her brow was creased and there was frown lines on her forehead. She must be thinking about something very hard.

Mom pauses and looks at Dad. Her frown doesn't go away but her eyes soften and she shakes her head. She gets pacing again and starts muttering incoherent things.

Dad sighs and I stand. He looks at me and I point over to the fire where everyone is hanging. He nods and gives me a quick hug before I head out. As I walk over I tune into their conversations.

"He didn't win that one on his own." Kate says.

Hmm, past telling. I stand quietly behind the Irish coven and listen as stories are exchanged about wars and how the Romanians use to rule the vampire world. That made my ears poke up and my whole focus was on them.

"When we ruled, everything came to us. Prey, favour-seekers, diplomats. Such was our power. But we never put on white hats and called ourselves 'saints'." Vladimir says.

"We were honest about what we were."

Stefan says.

"But then, the new Volturi people came and destroyed us. Making us flee because how honest we were with the people. They destroyed everything we had." Explains Vladimir.

"And now, we want revenge to get back what it ours." Stefan finishes.

The rest of the night goes by quickly. I listen to all the stories and even tell them my own nightmare. They don't hate me even for what happened to me, because it wasn't my fault.

By the time morning arrived, we stood in the snow covered field. Mom had worry written in her features and Alice looked just as panicked.

I frown, I wonder if she had a bad vision about today. With that thought, I feel strangely queasy and rock bad and forth on my heels.

I stand between both mom and dad and mom grabs a hold of my hand tightly. She knows their here for her. I wonder if she knows about Alice's vision.

Speak of the devil-or devils in this case-and he shall come. Not a minute later after the thought of Alice having a vision about the Volturi, they show.

Their black cloaks fly around their feet with their hoods are up, and their feet hit the ground making snow fly.

My mom and me clutch each other's hands tighter as they come to a stop quickly, about 30 feet away.

I swallow thickly as their hoods are thrown back. Their even scarier than the pictures I've seen, and the stories I've heard about what they can, and plan to do today.

Aro, the one in the middle with black hair and also the leader of the trio, gives a strange and sickly grin that makes me want to gag.

Carlisle takes a few steps out after letting Esme's hand go. She watches him worriedly.

"Aro, let us settle this like we use too." He says at normal voice, but it's obvious Aro heard. We are vampires, sadly, after all.

"Ah, but Carlisle. How can we settle things when you have an army against me. All just want the girl." Aro says gesturing toward my mom.

She snarls. "I'd rather die than join your piece of hell!" She snaps making Aro laugh. A childish laugh that also make me want to gag. What is wrong with this dude! Oh wait, everything!

Dad wraps his arm around moms shoulder, pulling us closer to him.

"Ah! I see. Don't want to leave your new families. Well, if you rather die, I guess this is war." A slow grin makes it's way to Aro's face.

Loads of our followers gasp and crouch down, waiting to jump. Vladimir and Stefan grin happily and come to stand in the front. A crazed look in their eyes as they focus on the kings.

Aro raises his hands. "Go! But don't kill the girl." He yells and everything seems to go in slow motion from there.

"Stay with me!" Mom yells over everyone's cries as she throws me on her back and serge's forward with Jasper and Emmett flanking her.

I hear roars and the sent of wet dog, werewolves. I quickly shut my eyes and burry myself into my moms hair as the first guards attack our group.


Ok, last chapter with major cliff hanger. Sorry, but you will learn all about the fight in the Epilogue. I promise. Now I'm gonna take a nap, I feel like crap:/ and my phones about to die.

I might have the Epilogue up later tonight or tomorrow morning.


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