Chapter Nineteen: The Letter's

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Chapter Nineteen: The Letter's

Bella POV

When I made it to the house there was a for sale or rent sign up. I hurried up to the front to door to find it, thankfully, unlocked. I hurried in and shut the door behind me. I pulled out my journal and scanned it once more before I started searching around the places that had wood.

All the furniture had been taken away so that made things a whole lot easier. I just hope the thing wasn't in any of the furniture, 'cause I'd never get the thing my mom left me.

It took me a whole hour to search the whole bottom floor, checking for any secret hiding places and in places. I finally gave up after I searched everything almost twice and headed up to the top floor.

I searched my dad's old room for 25 minutes and the bathroom for 5 before I headed to my old room. The mattress that had been there was gone, the room was completely empty. It was just dirty.

Sighing I searched my room. Anything that might be peeling off my walls, and lose floorboards.

After about 10 minutes I came up with nothing and decided to head home, I wasn't going to find anything. I took a few steps before I suddenly tripped and quickly twisted myself to where I landed on my butt. I grunted and looked to see that I tripped over, a lose floorboard that I somehow missed, not my own to feet.

I reach over and pulled the floorboard off to find a big, fat yellow envelope with my name on it. My eyes widen as I reach over and pick it up, out of the floorboards. Wait!

I scan through the journal's words in my mind. That's it! FB must stand for floorboards, and u B must stand for my bedroom! Of course! Charlie would never think to look in my room! I silently sent thanks and carefully stuck the envelope in my backpack and quickly zipped it up.

I better hurry home. They probably already figured I'm gone and I have a feeling there not going to be to happy.

I raced down the stairs and out the door. I ran my fastest down the road and prayed they wouldn't beat me or do something worse like Charlie did.


I hardly made it half way up the drive before everyone was outside and Esme was crushing me in a big hug and started dry sobbing. Everyone else, except Alice who was still glaring, was giving thankful and grateful looks. Did they really think I was leaving? I'm sure they saw the note they really care that much about me?

Esme pulled back and looked me. "Oh my gosh you scared me! Are you all right?" She asked hurriedly. I gave her a small smile.

"I'm fine, I just had to check something out at my old home." I said and she smiled and hugged me again.

Everyone came in for a-ugh-group hug, except for Alice. I wonder if she's glued her face to where she only glares now or something because I think I've only really seen her glare. That girl, has some serious problems. But I guess her past can show for that.

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