Chapter 9

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We were all attracting quite a crowd right about now.

The softball team always does that these few weeks I have no idea why.

Don’t worry, we’re not in the middle of a fight.

Well, to me it wasn’t because it was a match. A match between the Captain and the new arrogant boy. It was a match worth watching because the rugby boys were all crowded just a few metres away from me, squeezing into the booth beside the rest of my softball team. The soccer boys were out gazing at the entrance of the pitch. The rest of the crowd, I wasn’t so sure.

I saw Blake watching me briefly before I concentrated on the match. I didn’t need the distraction and he was currently my number one distraction right now. I could feel him gazing at me, watching me as I struck my stance. I had to remind myself a couple of times that I needed to concentrate and that I needed to win this.

I watched the crowd.

All I know is that Marcus was glaring at me, Mitch was giving me a smug look and my three fielders were all giving me that look which says if-you-stuff-this-up-I’m-going-to-do-something-unimaginable. All I can hear is Abby and the girls cheering non-stop for me and the sounds of the crowd whispering around me.

It was a typical match but different rules.

I was winning obviously by four home runs and he had pocketed only one strike. Earlier in the day, he wanted to see how many strikes he can get in by the end of practice and he proudly asked me on that challenged when the rest of the team told him not to. He was stubborn. It was already end of practice an hour ago and we were still here waiting for him to call it quits. I knew Marcus wasn’t about to quit. He had his ego at stake. He can’t lose to me. He can’t possible lose to a girl.

I gave him a smug grin, taunting him a little as I geared up. I had thrown the heavy helmet away as it distracted me which made Mitch frown. I stood by the base, looking at him. He had taken off his shirt at some point, showing off his washboard abs which in turn making the girls swoon at that amazing sight. He gave me a curt nod so I swung the bat up, preparing myself.

Everyone fell silent and waited.

I licked my lips and bent slightly, spacing my feet out as I stared at him. I held the bat loosely in my hands and tightened it as soon as he started moving. He threw his arm out and swung, the ball curling towards me. By that time, I knew his strengths and his weaknesses. He loved curl ball. It was fast and you’ll need a fast eye yet a fast reaction to be able to hit it. I was good at both. Smirking, I swung and hit the ball as hard as I could. The bat connected with the ball with a satisfying ping which made it soar so far out that none of my fielders ran out to catch it.

Everyone just kept quiet. They must be stunned at my shot. Mitch just gave me an eye roll. I looked at the ball, watching it soar and hit the fence with a loud thud before dropping to the ground. I stood there, looking smug with the bat poised on my shoulder and then that was when everyone started cheering for me.

I nodded at Marcus once before making my way towards the cheering crowd, wanting to get my tumbler filled with my favourite brew. Those who watched started congratulating me, patting my back or just yelling at me that it was awesome. The girls squealed and surrounded me, giving me detailed descriptions about everything.

I just beamed at them and accepted the tumbler before chugging down the contents quickly. I received their compliments easily, nodding and smiling at their easy words but my mind was far out of it. I excused myself from the group and wandered my way out, watching as the rest of the crowd leave the pitch.

It had been an interesting turn of events.

Marcus just glowered at me before sighing and left the place quickly. Mitch just rolled his eyes at that reaction before coming over to peck my cheek before leaving, saying that he had a date later in the evening. Meaning in his words: I got a hot girl waiting in my bed and I’m going to fuck her senseless.

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