Chapter 16

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I thought today would be perfect for me. I thought today’s date would end with me smiling triumphantly. I had hoped that Blake and I would talk about what we’re going to do about ourselves. I wanted to know where the both of us stand. I thought that the past and the hate that we had with the rugby team were all far gone.

The three weeks that Henry had forced us to cooperate with the rugby had gone by smoothly and I realised that it had gone too smoothly for my own good. I didn’t know that there were some people in my team that truly hated the rugby team. I thought we were all doing this just to put up with tradition.

At least I did.

But now I can see.

We were so wrong. I was wrong. Henry was wrong.

Mitchie, Blake and I were facing four of my team members. All four of them were glaring at every one of us; each held masks of pure anger and utter betrayal. I stared at them-each one of my own members whom I had spent hours training with-as I wondered how they can hate others so easily and without any cause or reason.

I can’t believe that the hate had gone through their heads and made them these hating bastards. I didn’t know Marcus would be part of this and I didn’t realize until now the type of people he was mixing with. I too didn’t know that the other three junior members of mine really hated the rugby team.

I just can’t believe it.

‘I can’t believe you’re doing this Captain,’ Marcus spoke again after a few minutes of utter awkward silence that had stretched between us. He looked at me with disbelief in his gaze before he turned to glare at the two boys who flanked me. ‘I also can’t believe you have a part in this too.’

Mitchie just scoffed at him, rolling his eyes at the absurdity of the accusation. He didn’t need to say, I knew what he was thinking. Of course he has a part in this, he’s my bestfriend. ‘Don’t start anything Marcus, we don’t want any trouble,’ he warned the four of the boys quietly.

‘Oh we’re not starting anything, you guys are starting something,’ Marcus replied him sarcastically as his eyes roved over behind us. His face grew disgusted at what he was seeing before he latched his attention back at me, his eyes flashing in anger. ‘What are you doing with him?’

My eyes grew dark at his accusation and I took a few steps forward in anger, jabbing a finger in his direction. ‘And who are you to tell me what to do?’ I spat at him and jabbed a finger on his chest. ‘Why are you gate-crashing on my date? What do you want Marcus?’

He hesitated for a moment before his eyes flicked towards my lips. By now, we were almost chest to chest thanks to my yelling at his face. I was mad, I was breathing heavily and I had the sudden urge to punch him in the face or knee him in the groin. He growled under his breath but before I could react, he grabbed my face and pressed his lips on my own.

Two things happened at the same time.

I heard the two boys behind me shout.

First thing: I shoved him away and kneed him hard like I wanted to. I watched him gasp and crumpled to the floor in one second flat. I aimed a kick at his gut and watched him grunt in pain, wiping my mouth at the same time, disgust apparent on my face. ‘Fuck you bitch,’ I spat at him.

Second thing: As I was handling Marcus, the other two boys handled the other three boys that flanked Marcus. I heard them punching hard and swift, aiming for the sensitive spots. I saw the three softball boys crumpling to the ground before watching them scurry away with the tails between their legs.

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