Chapter 1

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"Damn," Inuyasha mumbled as he stumbled his way along the forest floor. "Fuckin' hell, Sesshomaru." Going down on one knee, Inuyasha coughed; spewing blood and turning the green moss a garish brown. Wheezing, the InuHanyou stumbled to his feet, dragging a rusty sword in his wake. "W-what, the f-fu-uck, is your p-problem," Inuyasha sputtered as his relentless feet kept moving forward. . . forward to where, he had no idea. All the Hanyou knew was that something was calling him, calling his inu blood, what little of the substance there actually was still running through his veins instead of littering the forest floor behind him, leaving an all too tell tale trail.

Looking down at his body, Inuyasha knew the color of his Firerat was darker than it should be, not an inch of it free of his own blood - blood spilled by his bastard of a half brother. Inuyasha had thought, stupidly it now seemed, that after the death and defeat of Naraku, he and his brother had come to some type of nonverbal "live and let live" agreement. But it appeared as if the full-blooded Youkai simply couldn't stand the presence of his half-breed brother as he wondered the earth alone. And now, if anything, Sesshomaru's wrath had only increased, along with his venomous words, which still managed to do more damage to the InuHanyou than his brother's claws or poison ever, could. Worthless. Stain. Abomination. Half-breed. Embarrassment. Weak. Sesshomaru's words filtered through Inuyasha's mind in a never-ending loop, chilling the Hanyou's body as much as his very own blood loss.

Wincing as his foot hit another tree root, Inuyasha's clawed hand came up, covering a particularly evil looking gash wrenching its way through his abdomen. It wasn't the first time he'd felt his brother's fist pierce that particular patch of flesh, but this time, Sesshomaru had left his claws there, pumping more and more poison into the wound. Over the years, Inuyasha had felt his brother's poison enough to have formed a semblance of tolerance to the substance, but this was different. This was like being caught in a monsoon of shear agony.

Stopping once again, Inuyasha leaned heavily upon a large tree, smearing the bark in sticky crimson. Had he ever been in this much pain before? The Hanyou wondered and he had to admit that the increase in brutality from his brother was taking more than a physical tole on him, leaving his body worn and weary. Raising his head, Inuyasha felt the tug of that inexplicable call, pulling his broken body and soul ever forwards. And beyond that call, creeping up behind him, stalking his pitiful movements, was the ever present suffocating aura of Seshomaru's Youkai - pulsing and breathing like a massive impenetrable force.

"Fuck, gods damned a-arrogant prick is j-j-just, messin' with me. Fucker," Inuyasha cursed his pure blooded brother to Hades and back. Given his condition, if Sesshomaru wanted, he'd be upon the Hanyou in the blink of an eye. But instead, the asshole was following at a leisurely distance. What he was waiting on, Inuyasha had no idea. Most likely he was simply drawing out the Hanyou's pain. Sighing as deeply as his aching chest would allow, Inuyasha knew this was the last time they'd be playing this game. Even if Sesshomaru pulled back and left him alone, the poison spreading throughout his body right now was more than enough to kill him - slowly and painfully. It seemed, after centuries of fighting, that Sesshomaru had finally done what he'd been threatening all of Inuyasha's life - he'd killed him. Only now, after their more recent throw-downs did the Hanyou understand that he'd always been living off his brother's good graces. No matter how much he hated it. No matter how much he railed against it. Sesshomaru was powerful. The most powerful Youkai walking the planet and Inuyasha was little more than a toy to his brother. A toy he'd evidently grown tired of playing with.

Catching a clawed foot on nothing more than an upturned patch of earth, Inuyasha fell face first into the ground, his whole body screaming out in agony at the sudden jolt. Opening his mouth, nothing but a silent scream left his lips, followed by a short, choking sob as the young InuHanyou struggled to remain conscious. Taking shallow breaths, Inuyasha tried slowing his fluttering heart, but it was to no avail. Sesshomaru's poison had already taken hold and there was little that could be done now. Barely able to feel his lower legs, the Hanyou somehow managed to pull himself up onto his knees, palms planted in the dirt, head lowered as Tessaiga lay rusty and useless under his hand. Forcing his right leg into motion, Inuyasha tried standing, but soon fell back upon his knees.

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