Chapter 13

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Inuyasha stood, his claw tipped fingers tapping along the glass in front of his face; a wall of glass now alight with the early rays of the rising sun. During the long night, he'd gotten little sleep and the full plate of food lying on the side table where Jaken had left it last night was testament to the fact that he'd had little relief in his anxiety. In fact, if anything, Inuyasha's agitation had only increased. Over the long hours of darkness, he'd thought over his options and come up with only two possible scenarios. Well, Inuyasha supposed it would be three, but he absolutely refused to tell Sesshomaru about his human night. Leaning his forehead against the glass, Inuyasha scowled knowing his reasons for refusing to tell his brother had less to do with fear of death and more to do with the absolute terror of rejection. It was amazingly frightening how quickly he'd gotten used to the idea that the ice prick might actually give a damn. In his heart of hearts, Inuyasha knew rejection now was not something he'd live through. Survive – yes, but he'd be an empty shell, not a living creature.

And so, with that option off the table, there were only two real choices left. One: find a way to escape and hide out somewhere in the city. But that option was fraught with all kinds of difficulty. The first of which was actually finding a way of leaving this place. Sure, Sesshomaru said he wasn't a prisoner, but his release was contingent upon regaining his strength. And although Inuyasha was getting better, he was by no means up to snuff in that category. Also, there was the added issue of what to do after the moonless night was over. If he did manage to escape, it would be against Sesshomaru's wishes so coming back to his brother was, at best, questionable. Still, faced with Sesshomaru's willing rejection verses the DaiYoukai just being pissed off . . . well, Inuyasha knew which option he'd choose.

Given the problems with the first choice left Inuyasha focusing on the second: finding somewhere in this place to hide. But it wasn't just hiding from sight, but scent as well. Everywhere he'd been so far was covered in Sesshomaru's scent, but that didn't mean he couldn't still smell the others, not to mention feeling the Youkai, or in Kadira's case, spiritual energy of ever other living creature within these walls. Even Jaken's weak ass Youkai could be felt in the mix. The only place this wasn't true was on the rooftop gardens. True, Inuyasha could still smell Sesshomaru's scent up there, but it was weak and had to be searched for. In fact, it was the only place he'd been thus far that hadn't been swamped in the stuff. If he could somehow get Sesshomaru to agree to let him stay outside that night . . . alone . . . then by morning, the human scent of the Hanyou would be gone with the wind and if any of it did linger, there was a fair chance Sesshomaru would dismiss it as Kadira's.

Breathing in deeply, Inuyasha released a long breath, feeling his shoulder's slump as the air left his body. As crazy ass obsessive as Sesshomaru had been lately, there was no way in hell his brother would let him sleep outside all night long. Damn, he was getting one screaming headache – suddenly straightening, Inuyasha felt the pressure of Sesshomaru's Youkai as the Lord of the West entered his room.

"You are up early, little brother."

"Don't you ever knock?" Inuyasha asked, his mood instantly souring given his dilemma.

"I see no reason to."

"-Keh, big surprise," Inuyasha grumbled, uncaring if Sesshomaru heard or not. Seeing no reason to turn around and greet the current cause of his anxiety, Inuyasha remained where he was, steadfastly staring out upon the city below. Behind him, he could feel his brother move closer; the heady scent Sesshomaru emitted becoming stronger as the DaiYoukai came to stand behind him.

"Is there something that troubles you this morning?"

Inuyasha felt Sesshomaru's hand lightly touch his shoulder and rolled himself away. "Nothin' more than usual. Just feelin' like one of those pampered human pets."

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