Chapter 26

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Gods above, how could a few weeks change his life this drastically, Inuyasha thought as the car he was riding in sped down the road. Once again, Sang-di was at the helm, literally steering them towards the forest holding his savior, Bakusen'O. Face turning a blush shade of red, Inuyasha thought back to that morning and how he'd fallen apart once again underneath his brother. Moaning, panting, fucking himself on the now three fingers Sesshomaru pumped into his eager ass . . . and oh, how sinfully good it felt. Of course the whole thing still made him uncomfortable, but only when he thought too long or too deeply on the subject. But the simple fact was that his protests had become fewer and fewer and most of them had now turned into pleas for more.

In those few, precious weeks, Inuyasha had come to learn the true meaning of feeling safe and valued above all others. The bastard had made him needy in ways he'd never thought possible. Sesshomaru had been his typical arrogant self, and yet at the same time, he'd been methodically slow and attentive. He'd pushed but only as far as Inuyasha could take and then the next time, he'd pushed just that much further, all of it leading up to the time when they'd officially become mates – when he'd take the Lord of all Asia's cock into his body while at the same time receiving the bite that would mark him as Sesshomaru's for all eternity. That idea should scare the hell out of him, and at one time, it had, but now all Inuyasha felt was a sense of urgency mixed with heady desire. He wanted that mark, wanted that cock, and more than anything, he wanted to be with Sesshomaru in that way until the sun fell from the sky.

Tapping his claws along Tessaiga's sheath, Inuyasha's amber eyes stared out the window, only now noticing how close they were to Bakusen'Os forest. This morning he'd known; known that tonight was the night. If Sesshomaru wanted, he'd let the bastard take him and mark him as his own. At first, he'd been holding out until after the next new moon, but that was still a few days off and Inuyasha simply couldn't wait. Day and night he heard the unmitigated pleas of his Youkai as it pined to be claimed and unlike before, his human side could no longer offer up any true resistance. His humanity felt safer than it had ever felt before and had no further objections to becoming such a creature's mate. Thinking this, Inuyasha wondered if that was what his mother had felt like when she'd taken his father to their bed. Did Izayoi feel safe? Did she know Inu no Taisho would be willing to go so far to save both she and her offspring? Shaking his head, the Hanyou wished he could ask his mother such questions, but that was a moot point. Izayoi had left this plane of existence long ago and although he'd love to hear her advice, he knew in his heart his mother would approve. She'd only wanted him happy and for the first time in his long life, Inuyasha felt that and more.

Still, there was someone he wanted to tell his decision to, and that's why he was in the car now. Sesshomaru hadn't really been overjoyed that he wanted to make this little excursion, what with Kaplow on the loose and that scorpion Youkai causing havoc, but Inuyasha refused to live his life hiding from what could happen. It had taken a lot of cajoling, but he'd finally been able to convince his brother that he didn't need an escort and that he was just going to go into the forest for a few minutes to speak with the old demon tree and head straight back to their home. Their home. Inuyasha could finally say it.

Feeling the car come to a stop, Inuyasha popped out. "I won't be too long, 'kay."

Nodding, Sang-di still didn't know what was so important in that woods. When Lord Sesshomaru had first carried the Hanyou out, he'd thought that would be the end of these little trips, but he'd been sorely mistaken. "I will wait for your return."

With a distracted wave of his hand, Inuyasha made for the trail leading to his friend. Once he'd broken through the tree-line, he dropped his human façade and began bounding through the trees, relishing the wind as it blew through his silky silvery-white mane of hair. "Fuck, this feels good."

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