Chapter 14

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Morning came and Inuyasha relished the sounds of birds chirping and the fresh scent of water on his nose. Stretching, he pushed off the limb, easily landing on the ground below.

"You appear no worse for wear after sleeping outside, little brother."

Turning, Inuyasha stared at the human version of his elder brother, not a magenta stripe to be found, nor even a whiff of InuYoukai scent on the air. "You tryin' to give me heart failure?"

"I have no idea what you mean by this," Sesshomaru stated, his icy blue human eyes full of empty apathy.

Snorting, Inuyasha decided it wasn't worth getting into and simply waved a hand in dismissal. "You got a hot date today, or what?"

"I assume you are referring to my human appearance."

"Yeah, what else would I be talkin' about."

"Indeed, this Sesshomaru must meet with some of our human constituents today regarding the pharmaceutical end of our business."

"Pharma what?" Inuyasha asked, his nose wrinkling up in confusion as his ears drooped.

"Pharmaceutical. It is a term referring to the creation and distribution of medical drugs for human ailments. It seems the human's penchant for disease is quite lucrative."

"-Keh, only you would find a way to profit from human weakness."

"It would seem not only myself but others as well. Regardless, it is a needed industry in this day and age as well as one which seems to be evolving rapidly."

Shrugging his shoulders, Inuyasha thought back to the times Kagome would bring some of her modern medicine back to the feudal era. On more than one occasion, she'd used something or other on him as well. Whether it had actually done any good or not, he wasn't sure. What Inuyasha was sure of though was that it seemed to sooth Kagome's worries and that in and of itself had been worth putting up with all the foul smelling concoctions she slathered over his skin.

Seeing his brother lost in thought, Sesshomaru asked, "May I ask what has you so lost in memory."

"Nothin' much and nothin' I wanna talk about," although not annoyed by Sesshomaru's question, Inuyasha didn't really feel like discussing Kagome with his brother. Besides, it wasn't like the DaiYoukai had known the miko.

"As you wish. I shall be gone most of the day. Could we eat dinner together before you retire for the night?"

Shifting his weight, Inuyasha's eyes flickered to the sky. Despite the fact that the moon had disappeared long ago, he still felt the pull of it as he answered, "Um, sure, just as long as its not too late, I still get tired early."

Knowing what the Hanyou feared, Sesshomaru answered, "We shall make it an early dinner then to allow you more time to rest."

"'Kay." Inuyasha hated appearing weak, but if it was between that and revealing his secret, then he would gladly take the trade-off.

Stepping forward, Sesshomaru allowed a human looking hand to glide over the Hanyou's cheek, all the while enjoying the feel of his brother's skin almost as much as he relished Inuyasha's acceptance of the act itself.

As Sesshomaru's hand glided over his flesh, Inuyasha felt an odd, indescribable tingling sensation all the way to the tips of his toes. And, interestingly enough, although he couldn't see them, he felt the edges of the DaiYoukai's claw's as they skimmed lightly across his cheek, confirming that the human appearance was little more than a façade, not an actual transformation. True enough, the Lord of the West was still very much standing in front of his blushing form.

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