Chapter 3

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Sang-di was well aware how private Lord Sesshomaru was, and he respected that. But, just this once, he wished he could see beyond the dark glass separating the driver's cabin from his powerful passengers, and yes, he'd meant exactly that, passengers. For today was unlike any other day Sang-di could remember. Never before had Lord Sesshomaru brought anyone else to their known destination, not even Jaken or the Wolf King, Kouga.

Glancing back in the review mirror revealed no more than the last fifty or so times Sang-di had made the same movement, but for some reason, he just couldn't help his eyes from wondering today. When they'd left, he'd been surprised at the beautiful woman accompanying his master. Of course he knew the human coating was just that, in truth, she was a Youkai - a very strong Youkai. Exactly what kind, he wasn't sure. As was typical, Lord Sesshomaru had only nodded in the drivers direction before stating their destination would be what Sang-di had come to term, "The Forbidden Forest." That was when things had become interesting.

Secluded as he was, the driver had no idea what the two Youkai were talking about, although, chances were fairly good that even if he could hear what was going on back there, it wouldn't enlighten him much. Knowing Lord Sesshomaru, conversation was probably sparse, at best. Shrugging his shoulders, Sang-di figured the Youkai who'd come along for the ride was well aware of his masters disposition, for when he'd first glimpsed her, the woman had appeared completely at ease.

Recognizing his turn-off, Sang-di took a left, leading the vehicle further away from the depths of the city and towards the secluded woods. Soon enough, signs of civilization became fewer and further in-between and a small copse of trees came into view. Slowing the car, he pulled to the side and eased the car onto a small embankment before cutting the engine. Barely had he removed his own seatbelt when Sang-di heard the sound of a car door opening. A quick glance in the side mirror told him his occupants were already exiting the vehicle, sending the driver into a momentary panic. Hurrying out of the car, Sang-di rushed to his Lords side. "Forgive me, Lord Sesshomaru, I should have been quicker - "

Leaving the door open, Sesshomaru's back was already gliding away from his driver's gaze, a petite, lithe form following closely behind. Gripping his hands into tight fists, Sang-di felt a modicum of distress until he heard the toneless voice of his Lord, "Do not stray from the car and be ready to leave when you see this Sesshomaru exit the forest."

Letting out a deep sigh of relief, Sang-di slouched against the car. By all rights, Lord Sesshomaru should have at least reprimanded him for not moving quickly enough to open the car door for both he and his guest, but it seemed that today the great DaiYoukai had more important things on his mind than propriety.


Although impossible to tell from the outside, inside, Sesshomaru's heart was racing and it was with great effort that he maintained a steady, leisurely walk rather than condensing himself into an orb of energy and rushing to Bakusen'O. Behind him, he could barely hear the light footsteps of Lady Altiera, the phoenix Youkai shadowing him. Gritting his teeth, Sesshomaru thought back to the wait he'd had to endure these past few days for Altiera's arrival. Of course, when he'd heard Bakusen'Os words regarding the Hanyou needing a powerful healer, Altiera's name was the first (and to be truthful) only he thought of. Oh, there were other skilled healer's to be had, but phoenix Youkai were known to be the best in that particular field, and of course, Lord Sesshomaru expected the best. The problem was, there were precious few phoenix Youkai left in the world. Still, if it hadn't been for his own intervention some three hundred years ago, not even the handful drawing breath would have been able to be counted.

Without conscious thought, Sesshomaru's feet traveled the well known path to Bakusen'Os roots, finally stopping just short of the tree. Glancing up, the DaiYoukai wasn't surprised to see the old demon tree had pulled Inuyasha's body deep within its canopy, the barrier up once more.

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