Chapter 5

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"I don't give a rat's ass, Jaken. I need to talk to Sesshomaru."

Bristling, Jaken pulled himself up to all of his two-foot status. "It is not your place to demand anything of his Lord, you mangy wolf. And you will address Lord Sesshomaru by his rightful title!"

Throwing up his hands, Kouga let his body drop into a nearby chair, completely wrinkling the gray suit he was wearing. "Spare me the hero worship ya little toad."

"Why, I never - "

"Your great and powerful Lord Sesshomaru has been holed up in his rooms for over three days now." Leaning forward, Kouga flicked a sharp claw against Jaken's forehead. "Who do ya think's been runnin' things while the bastard's been off on his little vacation?"

Rubbing his forehead, Jaken looked positively pissed. "Do not mistake your worth to my Lord. Such a lowly, disrespectful Youkai such as you is easily replaced."

Kouga merely grunted. "I ain't arguin' with ya there, toady. But the point is that I've been disrespectin' him for years now and he hasn't gotten rid of me yet. Don't that tell ya somethin'?"

"Only that you have somehow managed to twist my Lords image of you."

"Jaken," Sesshomaru's cold voice fell into the room. "Are you implying that this Sesshomaru is simple minded enough to have been deceived by the Wolf King?"

Turning horrified eyes in his Lords direction, Jaken immediately ran to Sesshomaru's feet, falling prostrate with his head firmly pressed to the floor. "N-no my L-Lord. Your humble servant would n-never believe something like that. I was merely - "

"Enough." Stepping on the imps back, Sesshomaru ignored the grunt of pain Jaken gave before coming towards a now standing Kouga. "There is something you need?"

Contrary to what Jaken thought, Kouga really did have a lot of respect for the Lord of the Western Lands. Well, maybe that wasn't entirely true. Perhaps it wasn't for the DaiYoukai himself, but more the power said DaiYoukai was capable of wielding. Bowing his head in a slightly deferential manner, Kouga ran a distracted hand through his long, brown hair. "You've never been away this long."


"The natives are getting restless."

More silence.

"Damn it Sesshomaru, there's only so much I can do! Sure, they accept me when you're gone for a few hours or maybe a day, but we're talkin' several days here and they don't give two shit's about me anymore."

Sesshomaru raised a single eyebrow while ignoring the wolf's foul language. Kouga's colorful choice of words reminded him too much of a certain Hanyou for it to ever truly make him angry. Funny how things change. "Would they be the council members?"

Kouga grumbled, "Who the fuck else would it be." Shaking his head, the wolf let his blue eyes wonder along a book filled wall. "I don't know how you put up with their bullshit. Really and truly, I don't. You'd think age would bring a certain amount of wisdom. Unfortunately, I think all it's brought those geezers is a misplaced sense of entitlement."

With no one to see his reaction, Sesshomaru allowed a rare smirk to flit across his lips. "Indeed. What is the supposed crisis this time?"

Taking one last look at a random book title in front of him, Kouga shook his head before walking closer to the DaiYoukai. "Apparently, there's this river bordering . . . " Kouga's voice drifted to a stop as he came within a few yards of Sesshomaru's body, his own nose scenting the air. Eyes suddenly dilated, Kouga stared into nothing as memories of long ago flooded his mind.

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