Chapter 10

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Lord Sesshomaru's meeting with the heads of the other remaining Youkai households had gone no different than any of the last few centuries. Irritated beyond what he'd ever fully admit, the DaiYoukai glided through the halls of his home - not a perfect strand of silver hair out of place, not a hint of expression across his immaculate face. Easily bypassing his own personal quarters, Sesshomaru stood before the two large Youkai still guarding his little brother's room, waiting for their report.

"Food was brought up as you requested, my Lord. The Wolf King took the tray and we've not heard anything since."

Taking all this in, Sesshomaru merely stated, "And none other has approached this room."

"No one. Not even Lady Kadira."

Nodding his head in approval, Sesshomaru was pleased. Not that he'd expected Lady Kadira to disobey his order to refrain from interrupting the wolf's visit, but more by the fact that there had been little disturbance from either an outside source or from the mangy wolf himself. Kouga was almost as unpredictable as his own brother and infinitely more irritating. With nothing further to say and feeling absolutely no compunction to knock on a door within his own home, the Lord of the Western Lands easily glided into his younger brother's room.

Upon entering the room, the first thing that struck the DaiYoukai was the scent. No longer was the stench of fear and anxiety inhaled with every breath, but instead there was a sense of peace along with, dare he say it, a little happiness. Unfortunately, the second thing Lord Sesshomaru noticed was a certain fleabag lying far too close to the one he had claimed as his own. With a swiftness born of his own breeding and power, Sesshomaru swept down upon the lounging wolf, grabbing the Youkai's neck within a poisonously clawed hand. "Explain this, Wolf."

Rapidly blinking blue eyes opened wide, finding themselves staring into the seriously pissed face of the Lord of all Asia. Only now registering the strangling pain in his neck, Kouga choked out, "S-Sess-shomaru? W-what . . . "

"That, Wolf, is what this Sesshomaru would like to know. Why are you lying in the same bed as that which is mine?"

"F-fuckin' hell. I - " coughing, Kouga tried again, "I-I just fell a-asleep, that's all. W-we were just t-talkin'."

Finally allowing his eyes to drift from the wolf in his clutches, Sesshomaru's gaze wondered over to his peacefully sleeping brother, finally noting that while Inuyasha's body was lying under the covers, Kouga's was thankfully on top. And, in no way, shape, or form, were the two touching. Calming slightly, the DaiYoukai took a deep intake of breath, scenting no form of arousal within the room, Sesshomaru finally released his hold.

"Sweet divinity," Kouga hissed, all the while ineffectively rubbing the redness on his throat. "I was tired and the bed seemed a hell of a lot more comfortable than the floor."

"In the future, the floor would be a wiser choice." Dismissing the wolf from his thoughts, Sesshomaru moved to the other side of the bed, his golden gaze taking in the Hanyou. Easily noting the steady rhythm of Inuyasha's heart and breathing, he took another sniff of the air, pleased that his first impressions of the situation were correct and that his little brother was better off than when he'd left him. Satisfied, Sesshomaru's cold eyes once again zeroed in on Kouga. "Did I not make myself clear?"

Rolling his eyes, Kouga moved from the bed, despite his annoyance, the wolf Youkai was careful not to disturb his sleeping friend. "I ain't got no design's on your mutt of a brother. God's above, I can barely handle the mate I've got, let alone another one."

The slightest snarl was the only indication the DaiYoukai gave over his displeasure of the wolf using the word "mate" in any type of association with Inuyasha. Walking towards the edge of the room, Sesshomaru never once considered asking Kouga to follow him, nor did he doubt the wolf would do anything but. Reaching the bank of windows, Sesshomaru questioned, "Your time with the Hanyou was successful?"

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