Chapter 23

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Pulling off to the side of the road, Inuyasha hopped out of the car as soon as the wheels had stopped. Back on the edge of Bakusen'Os woods, he felt alive and almost giddy with renewed energy. Out here, the stench of the city seemed but a distant memory. "Hey, Sesshomaru, what's takin' ya so long?"

Turning his head, Inuyasha's black looking hair swished around his shoulders, his amethyst eyes piercing through the late afternoon sun. Barely out of the car, Sesshomaru's own shorter platinum locks appeared almost white under the blinding rays. Not bothering to answer his sibling, Sesshomaru continued taking his time as he walked up to his driver. "Sang-di, Inuyasha and I will be staying here through the night. I expect you back shortly after the rise of the sun."

Nodding his understanding, for some inexplicable reason, Sang-di felt nervous. Nose twitching, he could scent nothing unusual on the air, but all the same . . .


Turning his head sharply, the driver felt a shiver of fear etch down his spine, he'd obviously missed something Lord Sesshomaru had said. "Forgive me, my Lord, I was preoccupied."

Normally such a statement would have infuriated the Lord of the West, but there was an unease to the set of Sang-di's shoulders, not to mention the fact that his driver's eyes kept darting here are there, as if searching for something. "Is something the matter?"

Blinking, Sang-di was surprised he'd not been reprimanded. Sniffing the air once more, the driver shook his head. "No. I don't think so, just . . . something seems off."

Using his own senses, Sesshomaru thought the area felt and smelled as it always had. But, Sang-di was a rabbit Youkai – prey, and their instincts were different than his. It could simply be that his driver's Youkai was making more of a situation than it should for his own Youkai did not pick up any hint of threat and with Inuyasha so near by, his Youkai was on constant alert.

"I sense nothing but shall be on my guard."

Scratching the back of his head, Sang-di smiled. "Yeah, probably nothing. I apologize for my inattention. I believe you were saying something about staying until morning."

"Indeed. Both Inuyasha and I will be here until dawn. You may leave in the meantime, but I expect you here at that time."

"I don't mind staying if you'd – "

Already walking away, Sesshomaru answered, "You have your instructions," as he came up and placed a hand at the small of Inuyasha's back, already guiding the young Hanyou towards the edge of the woods.

With those final words, Sang-di opened the door to the car, his eyes scanning the distance once more. Whatever he'd felt moments ago seemed to be gone, or perhaps he'd imagined the whole thing. Most likely it was the latter. They were all a bit more on edge having Inuyasha around. If anything happened to that Hanyou . . . shivering, the rabbit Youkai pulled himself into the drivers seat and shut the door. He liked Inuyasha, but more than that, Sang-di wanted to keep the Hanyou safe for Sesshomaru's sake. Never before had the DaiYoukai cared so much for anything and he was well aware that if that thing were to be taken away, there would be few Youkai left alive in the Asian Lands.

Finally getting used to Sesshomaru's constant need to touch him in some way or another, Inuyasha didn't even try getting away from his brother's hand. Instead, he continued walking slightly in front of Sesshomaru as they made their way through the forest. As soon as they'd gotten beyond the tree-lined edge, both dropped their human façade's as they moved ever closer to Bakusen'O.

Entering the small glade, both Inu's drew up short as Sesshomaru announced their presence. "Bakusen'O, this Sesshomaru has brought his intended mate for a visit."

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