Chapter 9

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Waiting patiently, it was near nightfall when Sesshomaru witnessed the first stirrings from his little brother. Remaining where he was, the Lord of the West sat, stone still in his silence as he watched long lashes flutter open. Despite his calm exterior, the DaiYoukai was more than ready to intercede should Inuyasha awaken in distress.

"Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru questioned. No sooner had the words left his mouth than his own heart constricted with grief at the sight of the Hanyou's stiffening body.

"Inuyasha - "

"I heard ya the first time," Inuyasha answered with a scratchy voice. Taking a deeper breath, Sesshomaru scented the air. Fear still clung to the Hanyou's scent, but it was not abject terror. A small victory, but he'd take what he could get.

"How long this time?"

Widening his eyes, Sesshomaru was a little taken aback by the question. "Are you asking how long you have been asleep?"

Inuyasha gave his brother a scathing look, not liking the mockery he'd heard lacing Sesshomaru's voice. "Don't act like it's a dumb question. One of the last times I woke up I found out over five hundred years had passed. So, how long this time?"

Quirking his lips into a wonderfully minuscule smile, Sesshomaru answered, "Only a day has passed. It is but nighttime now."

"Wonderful," Inuyasha groaned while pushing his body up. Despite his outburst the day before, not to mention its subsequent further drainage of his Youkai energy, the Hanyou found that at least this time, the room wasn't spinning by the time he was in a sitting position. Lips parted ever so slightly, Inuyasha felt his breath coming harder than it should. "I see you're still here."

"Indeed, this Sesshomaru plans on being nowhere else while you are so ill."

Narrowing his eyes, Inuyasha couldn't help but sneer. "Yeah? Well, excuse me for not fallin' all over myself with thank you's considerin' you're the reason I'm like this in the first place."

"I expect nothing of the kind, little brother. Improvement in both your physical and mental well being will be sufficient."

Inuyasha could only stare, disbelief well written across his face. He'd been looking straight into Sesshomaru's eyes as the DaiYoukai had just spouted such utter bullshit and yet the Hanyou could sense no lie, nor even the vaguest hint of mockery. "What in all the seven hells has gotten into you?"

Frowning, Sesshomaru allowed a rare sigh past his lips. "I have come to understand that it will take some time for you to fully trust that I no longer wish you ill, little brother. To that end, I shall be as patient as possible and give you the time you require to adjust, however, this does not mean that I will be any less a part of your recuperation nor shall I simply walk away and leave you to whatever devices you may wish to pursue."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" A bit of anxiety leached through Inuyasha's voice. Somehow, he didn't like the implications Sesshomaru's statement held.

Moving closer, Sesshomaru leaned his body forward, ignoring Inuyasha's movement as the Hanyou pushed further back into the headboard of the bed, his amber eyes wide with distrust as slender, claw tipped fingers gently stroked the side of his cheek. "What that means, Inuyasha, is that I shall give you the space you need, but make no mistake, you are mine to watch over. Mine to keep safe. Mine to do with as I will. Giving you space and time does not equal an absence of this Sesshomaru's presence, nor does it mean an absence of this Sesshomaru's touch." As if to prove the point, the DaiYoukai allowed his fingertips to wonder lower, grazing the Hanyou's tender neck.

Sucking in a deep breath, Inuyasha's eyes fluttered as a shiver went down his spine; a shiver which confused the young Hanyou to no end considering it should have been one filled with disgust and yet somehow wasn't. Still, Inuyasha felt his stomach roil at his brother's words, making him feel queasy with uncertainty. "You are one sick, possessive fuck. You know that?"

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