Chapter 18

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Sitting in his study, Sesshomaru gazed at the papers before him, seeing nothing. Three days of not seeing his Hanyou. Three days of having nothing but the stale scent of his little brother lingering in his nose. Three days of torture. How had he lived so long denying his need for his Hanyou?

With a snarl on his face, the DaiYoukai sat back into his chair, just the thought of Inuyasha being out in the world, alone with that damn wolf . . . it was all he could do to remain within the confines of his home and not out rampaging the local countryside. When Kouga had finally approached him about going up to the roof and bringing the Hanyou down, Sesshomaru had just finished removing the tongue from one of the council member's incompetent offspring. Of course, the appendage could be reattached, but the Wolf King had thought his move unnecessarily harsh. Scraping a deadly claw across the ancient wood of his desk, the Lord of the West thought the wolf might have had a point, if only a small one. Still, he did not regret slicing the tongue from that whelp's mouth, perhaps it would teach the young upstart to mind it better in the future.

After sneering at the wolf Youkai for even hinting at this Sesshomaru needing such aid when it came to his intended mate, the DaiYoukai had finally agreed. Inuyasha was clearly avoiding him and would not even speak with Kadira. At this rate, the Hanyou would have to be forced down, something Sesshomaru found unappealing. With his patience at an end, he'd finally agreed with Kouga and left Taisho Tower while the wolf extricated his infuriating little brother.

That, had been nearly seven hours ago and Sesshomaru found himself restless, his Youkai pacing his soul in a never-ending loop of fury. He had let his intended mate leave – leave without him. To be sure, Inuyasha's health was much improved with all of his previous physical wounds having healed. Truly, the boy only lacked further meat on his bones, something that would simply take time. Still, Inuyasha had lost five hundred years to gain in power and Sesshomaru worried his Hanyou would overestimate his capabilities in the modern era.

"I should not have agreed to this," Sesshomaru scowled, his mind having increasing difficulty controlling his raging Youkai. Body still and quiet, the DaiYoukai's form betrayed his inner turmoil. With a deep and throaty growl, Sesshomaru stood from his chair, an icy, "Enough," slipping from his lips before he began making his way towards the door of his study. Hand on the doorknob, his eyes softened as a familiar presence began creeping ever closer. "Inuyasha."


"W-why t-the fuck do w-we . . . wheeze . . . gotta t-take the d-d-damn stairs?"

Feeling a little winded himself, Inuyasha refused to show his own fatigue. "Shut it, dog-breath. Quit bein' such a pansy. The exercise is good for ya." Looking up, Inuyasha saw they had about seven floors left to go and sighed. Maybe he should look into taking that elevator thing the next time. Going down hadn't been so bad; up on the other hand . . . maybe Kouga was right on this one.

Trudging his way up the remaining steps, Inuyasha felt mixed emotions. On the one hand, he couldn't wait to be done climbing these damn stairs, on the other, he could already feel Sesshomaru's heady Youkai waiting for him at the top. With only one more flight of stairs, Inuyasha felt his pace falter until he came to a complete stop in the stairwell.

"Don't fuckin' stop n-now, m-mutt."

But Inuyasha wasn't listening. Instead, he was staring at the door at the top of the stairs – the door leading to his brother. By now, he knew what he wanted to speak to Sesshomaru about, but he doubted the DaiYoukai was going to like it.

During the car ride from the shrine, Inuyasha had decided he wanted to see Bakusen'O. At first, he figured the only way to do that was to get Sesshomaru to take him, but after some consideration, he began wondering if maybe Sang-di knew the way, after all, he'd said earlier that he'd been Sesshomaru's driver for over century. And so, when the car stopped, before getting out, he'd asked only to have Sang-di tell him he didn't know who Bakusen'O was, but he did know the way to the place the Lord of all Asia had brought Inuyasha out of. After finding out that that place was indeed a woods, Inuyasha was pretty sure he was on the right track and didn't need his bastard brother to help him get there. He could damn well go on his own – that is, if Sesshomaru would willingly let him leave again.

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