Chapter 20

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Feeling genuine comfort for the first time in his life, Inuyasha woke slowly. Below a furry ear, he could hear the steady beat of Sesshomaru's slow, yet constant heart and in that moment, all the peace he'd so recently found fled. Not yet having opened his eyes, the Hanyou squeezed them all the tighter while his clawed hands did the same. In all his plans, not once had Inuyasha thought he'd wind up breaking down so utterly and completely. He'd done the unthinkable and actually cried in front of Sesshomaru. He'd shown a weakness so wholly unforgivable that Inuyasha truly believed it no longer mattered what he wanted, for there was absolutely no way in hell his powerful brother would ever want to mate him now. Gods above, he'd be lucky if Sesshomaru still wanted to pursue some type of brotherly relationship.

Sesshomaru had been enjoying the peace of the morning, not having felt this content and whole since he'd had Rin by his side when she'd been not more than a child. With his intended mate cradled and safe within his arms, his Youkai lounged in smug satisfaction. In that moment, all things were possible. He would heal his little brother's troubled heart. He would never allow pain and suffering to claim the Hanyou's soul again. Inuyasha was physically well and he was doing what an alpha should – providing food, shelter, and protection. Finally, the DaiYoukai felt as if he were doing something right and Sesshomaru basked in this contentment until the beautiful creature in his arms woke, and with that waking, Inuyasha's heart rate skyrocketed as his muscles tensed. Seeking to soothe him further, Sesshomaru's graceful fingers rubbed the base of a soft, puppydog ear, only to have it immediately fold back and bury itself deep among the Hanyou's snowy-white locks of hair.

Concerned, Sesshomaru questioned, "Inuyasha?"

As soon as he'd felt that hand on his head, Inuyasha had immediately recoiled. The knowledge that Sesshomaru found him so utterly pathetic that he required some kind of comfort . . . dear god's, the shame was unbearable. Someone like the Lord of the West didn't comfort, not even that little human girl who used to follow Sesshomaru around like a real lost puppy ever required something like this. With new determination, Inuyasha planted his hands on the rock that was Sesshomaru's chest and pushed, scrambling off his brother's lap and dumping himself onto the bed. All the while, he couldn't even begin to look the DaiYoukai in the eye and instead, kept his gaze cast down, his bangs covering his puffy red eyes.

Even without looking, Inuyasha sensed his brother's movement towards him and immediately held out a hand while muttering a stuttered, "S-stop. D-don't touch m-me."

Freezing in place, Sesshomaru felt at an utter and total loss. He'd thought last night had been the release the Hanyou had needed, that this morning they could move forwards. But, looking at his little brother right now, that obviously was not the case. "Inuyasha, I promised I would do as you told me throughout the night, but the sun has risen and I am no longer bound by that oath."

Balling his fists around the sheets below his hands, Inuyasha did what he knew best and let anger cover his shame. Pulling his lips back into a snarl, he raised his head, amber eyes narrowed in accusation. "So now you just get to do what you want? Is that it? To hell with what I say. That's just fuckin' like you! You arrogant, jackass. You spoiled, InuDaiYoukai prick – "

"Enough!" Sesshomaru growled before launching himself forwards, bending Inuyasha's body back to slam the Hanyou's back on the bed while easily pinning his arms above his head. "I do not know what has possessed you to act this way, but you will cease immediately."

"Or you'll what?" Inuyasha sneered. "What exactly are you gonna do? You gonna skewer my gut so that I really have somethin' to cry about? Or maybe you wanna poison my worthless Hanyou ass again just to prove how fuckin' weak and pathetic I really am. Why I ain't worth . . . " turning his head to the side, Inuyasha closed his eyes, squeezing them tight against the pain clenching his heart. It would be so much better to end it here – in physical violence than to hear the acidically painful words his brother would no doubt use to illustrate exactly why he'd been mistaken in wanting him for a mate. Better to piss Sesshomaru off enough so that he might just decide to end his life right here and now. Better to die quickly than linger with the gaping hole he was sure Sesshomaru's words would rip through his chest.

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