Chapter 30

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Sesshomaru sat in his study contemplating his life. He and Inuyasha had been mates for almost nine years and his Hanyou was almost finished with his schooling. In fact, to the DaiYoukai's continued pleasure, Inuyasha thrived in the hallowed halls of education, so much so that he'd not only earned the equivalent of his high school diploma, but an undergraduate degree as well. In fact, his Hanyou was just finishing up his doctorate in Environmental Sciences and the Lord of all Asia couldn't be more proud of his mate's hard work.

And Sesshomaru hadn't been the only one proud of the small InuHanyou. Lady Kadira had been there for Inuyasha's graduation from undergraduate work at the university, but she would not be there this time. Unfortunately the aged miko had passed from the earth soon after Inuyasha began his master's program. Old and in pain, Kadira had smiled through the end of her days, happy in the knowledge that she'd been privileged to not only meet the InuHanyou her ancestors held so dear, but to have also seen him happy and safe. As he'd done for countless generations, Sesshomaru asked the miko to name her replacement within his household. Now, it was Kadira's niece, Lady Kya living within Taisho Tower. Although still young, the girl was brimming with miko powers and far more brash than her aunt had ever been. To Lord Sesshomaru's constant irritation, Kya and Inuyasha were continually goading each other into some idiocy or another.

Just finishing reading the last of the documents on his desk, Sesshomaru's mouth curved down into a faint frown as he felt Kouga's Youkai just outside the door of his study. Before the wolf could even knock, Sesshomaru ordered, "Enter."

Without hesitation, Kouga did just that, striding into the room as if he owned it. Face carefully blank of response, Sesshomaru was anything but all right with the wolf Youkai's demeanor. Both Kouga and Ayame had been spending more and more time within the building and if things went the way they were hoping, the wolf's time within his home would only increase over the coming months. Sighing deep down inside, the Lord of all Asia was constantly amazed by the lengths he was willing to go to make his mate happy. Tolerating the increasing stench of wolf was only one of the sacrifices he'd made.

"You 'bout done in here or what?"

Sneering at the blatant disrespect, Sesshomaru answered, "If this night were not a celebration regarding Inuyasha's accomplishments, I would rip the tongue from your mouth, Wolf."

Shifting slightly in his seat, Kouga thought that maybe, just maybe, he'd been getting a bit more mouthy than usual, but knowing what he was going to be giving up soon for the mutt made him testy, he just couldn't help it. Shrugging his shoulders, Kouga's blue eyes drifted down. "I know the next few months are gonna be rough on you and me, so how 'bout I try and be a little less snarky and you try and be a little less violent."

Staring forwards, Sesshomaru had to ask, "Are you or Ayame having second thoughts?"

"No," Kouga shook his head. "If it works, then we'll both be happy to make the sacrifice." Blowing out a deep breath, Kouga slouched further into his chair. "But do you know how bad this sucks for me?"

Feeling perverse pleasure in the wolf's dismay, Sesshomaru found his mood lightening. "I admit, I do not fully know the extent of your woes, nor do I wish to."

"-Feh, if you had a female mate, you'd understand." Shaking his head of such thoughts, Kouga smiled. "But it'll be worth it to see the surprise on the mutt's face. Not to mention all the shit he's gonna be put through if this thing works."

"Then, we are still agreed. Tonight, during dinner, I shall bring the topic up. There is still a chance Inuyasha will decline."

"Doubt it. Besides, it'd be a shame if he did say no."

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