Chapter 17

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It had been over three days and Inuyasha was still on the roof. After the first twenty-four hours, Jaken had shown up, refusing to walk any further than the threshold of the door as he shrieked at the Hanyou to come and eat. In the end, Inuyasha had grabbed the plate of food if only to stop that incessant noise. After that, it was Kadira who'd bring him a plate or two during the day. At first, the miko had attempted some form of conversation, but Inuyasha was having none of it. As far as he was concerned, that old woman was as much to blame as the rest of them. He could just see it now, all of them laughing at what an idiot the stupid half-breed was.

Grunting to himself, Inuyasha whispered, "That's because I am an idiot." Three days had been a long time to ruminate on the subject and he'd had to admit that he'd been a fool. How many times had Sesshomaru done or said something that didn't quite seem brotherly, but he'd been so desperate for affection, so desperate to believe that his older brother really wanted him there as family. "Fuckin' story of my life," Inuyasha mumbled while adjusting himself on his branch.

And, as if to add insult to injury, the Hanyou had realized the ring Shippo made for him so that he could pass as human had been carried away in the fox Youkai's hand. Feeling more trapped than ever, all Inuyasha could do was sit there on the roof trying to figure how in the hell he was gonna get out of this mess while his Youkai constantly screamed, just on the edge of his consciousness. Seemed like the damn thing thought they should haul ass off the roof and throw themselves into Sesshomaru's arms. "Stupid ass Youkai."

"Whose a stupid ass Youkai?"

Growling deep in his throat, Inuyasha didn't even bother turning his head. "Unless you wanna get the shit beaten outta ya, I suggest you get the fuck off my roof, Wolf."

"Oh?" Kouga answered, cocking a hip out and swishing his tail back and forth. "So now it's your roof? Last I checked, Sesshomaru owned everything up here." The including you part wasn't said, but more than implied.

"Kouga – "

"Really, mutt, I can't believe I ever thought you worthy of your bastard brother. Now I feel like the idiot, cause somebody strong enough to give Sesshomaru the kind of shit he deserves sure as hell wouldn't be weak enough to sulk up here about somethin' as stupid as this."

Finally riled up enough, Inuyasha leapt from his branch, immediately taking up a defensive position. "You are so fuckin' full of shit! You don't even know – "

"Know what? That you're a weak ass Hanyou who can't deal with his emotions let alone someone else's?"

Rage poured through Inuyasha's blood as he leapt at the smirking wolf before him, Kouga dodging just at the last second as the Hanyou's fist plowed towards his face. "Oh, come on. I thought you kept sayin' how much stronger you've gotten over the past few days, but that was just flat-out pathetic."

Quicker this time, Inuyasha sped towards his opponent, catching the wolf Youkai in the arm with one of his claws. "Damn, Ayame did more damage to my back the first night I fucked her – "

With those words barely out of his mouth, Kouga felt the sting of the Hanyou's claws rake his thigh, finally drawing real blood. Clutching his leg, the Wolf King grinned. "Now that's what I'm talkin' about." Spinning to keep Inuyasha's snarling form in view, Kouga leaned forwards, his weight now on the balls of his feet. "If we're gonna do this, then let's get to it, mutt." With nothing further to say, both Kouga and Inuyasha leapt at each other; pounding, clawing and generally maiming one another for the next hour, by the end of which, both were left panting and Kouga was wondering how on earth Inuyasha had managed to meet him blow for blow.

"Y-you done y-yet," Kouga wheezed.

"Not u-until you're dead, y-you lyin' piece of s-shit."

Throwing up his arms, Kouga dropped onto his ass. "Oh, c-come on. I didn't fuckin' l-lie to ya."

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