Chapter 6

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Inuyasha felt as if his whole body was on fire. Everything throbbed and ached in ways he'd seldom experienced. And, not only that, but his mind felt as if it were in a deep fog. Everything from the sounds he was hearing to the smells he was scenting were a mixture of confusion. Through the throbbing pain, he thought he heard a whimper and only after several occurrences of said sound did he figure out that the noise was coming from him. Normally, upon this realization, he would have put an end to such an obvious weakness, but given his current state, the Hanyou just couldn't. In his waking mind, Inuyasha was driven mostly by instinct, and instinct was making him afraid. Very afraid. Although confused, the one thing the Hanyou's Youkai knew was that it was in a very vulnerable position. Hurt, in pain, unconscious, confused . . . all of this was bad and would only get them killed that much faster. As his muscles cramped and knotted again, Inuyasha's body clenched in protest and a deep whimper bubbled up from within his chest. But then . . . then he heard it – a sound so foreign and yet so very instinctually calming. The sound of power and protection. The sound of someone watching out for him. The sound of safety.

Relaxing, Inuyasha's conscious mind tried in vain to regain some form of control. Something was wrong about hearing such a sound. Something that ought to be sending off warning bells, not lethargic acceptance. Never before had anyone offered such aid. Not since his mother's death had the young Hanyou felt any sense of safety from another being. Pushing the foggy vale from his eyes, Inuyasha's conscious self clawed its way free, knowing such promises of protection couldn't be anything but false. After all, he was a Hanyou. A useless, hated, half-breed. Powerful creatures didn't want to help him, they wanted to hurt him.

Feeling another agonizing clenching of his muscles, Inuyasha let out a howl, his body practically convulsing with the strain. Inside his mind, he struggled past the fire burning in his body. Pain was something he was used to. Pain, once acknowledged, was something he could control. Forcing his body to relax, Inuyasha embraced the pain; accepting it into himself like a second skin. And once he'd done that, he boxed it up and pushed it down. Just like a switch being flicked, the Hanyou opened his eyes, only to find himself staring into the burning twin sun's of his greatest nightmare - Sesshomaru.

"F-fuck . . . n-no . . . " Inuyasha's broken words burned through his raw throat, his anxiety and fear only escalating. "No . . . no . . . "

Sesshomaru felt his heart rate accelerate even more. All around him he could feel Inuyasha's raw terror. Normally such an emotion would thrill his Youkai, but the last thing he wanted to feel from his little brother was fear, especially this much of it. "Inuyasha, calm yourself."

But Inuyasha wasn't paying any attention to the words coming from his brother's mouth. Instead, his brain was firing as quickly as possibly, desperately trying to remember how and why he was in this position. Bits and pieces of memory filtered through his head in no particular order - only clips and snippets of information. But soon enough the pieces began settling into some type of coherency, but instead of calming the Hanyou, the knowledge only brought more anguish.

With a grimaced howl, Inuyasha pushed against the hands holding his wrists while his whole body twisted and turned underneath the unyielding DaiYoukai. All the while his beaten body screamed in protest. But if Inuyasha had learned anything over the years, it was how to ignore pain. "God's damn-it! That fuckin' tree lied!"

"Inuyasha, you must - "

"Get the fuck off me asshole!"

Beneath him, Sesshomaru could feel Inuyasha's skyrocketing heart rate, his shallow breaths almost to the point of hyperventilation. And beyond that, the fine sheen of sweat breaking out across the Hanyou's already exhausted body. The boy was pushing himself too far and for Inuyasha's own protection, it needed to stop - now. Growling deep in his throat, Sesshomaru let his Youkai flare with power. "You will be still!"

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