Chapter 29

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Drifting through the night on his ki cloud, Sesshomaru masked both he and Inuyasha's Youkai as well as their visual appearance as he headed back to Taisho Tower – back to their home. Cradling the healing Hanyou within his arms, mokomoko wrapped tightly around his little brother's form, Sesshomaru knew he'd gotten very lucky this night. True, he'd expected no other outcome, but there was always a sliver of chance that things could have gone very wrong. If he'd been left with no other choice but to use Tenseiga . . . well, there was always the possibility the sword would not have responded. As remote as that possibility seemed, the Lord of all Asia knew it would haunt many a dream from now until eternity.

With a glance down, Sesshomaru could just make out the edge of a furry ear as Inuyasha buried his face close to his chest. Squeezing the Hanyou just a little bit tighter, without a doubt, he knew he would have to fully claim his intended mate this very hour. Having his little brother's life in such jeopardy struck a deep chord within his soul and Youkai, making Sesshomaru uneasy and in need of reassurance. Yes, before dawn, he'd be buried deeply within Inuyasha's body, his teeth tasting delicious InuHanyou flesh.

Whisper quiet, Sesshomaru landed upon the rooftop garden and allowed Inuyasha to slowly slide from his arms, setting the Hanyou's clawed toes upon lush grass. "Little brother, can you stand?"

Amber eyes slightly lidded, Inuyasha didn't miss the serious undertones lacing Sesshomaru's voice. "Yeah, whatever that fox did to me seem's to be wearin' off."

Pulling away just enough to cup the Hanyou's face within his hands, Sesshomaru's golden eyes were hard. "Why do you constantly place so little value on your life?"

With a huff, Inuyasha yanked his face from his brother's fingers. "Don't ask such stupid questions. Kaplow threatened – "

"Do you think this Sesshomaru cares who that damned fox threatened?" Striding forwards, Sesshomaru's grip was near painful as he wrapped his powerful hands around Inuyasha's arms. "There are none in this world more important than you. None whose life is worth more. What must I do to make you understand this?"

"-Keh, I ain't changin' who I am just 'cause you're a possessive jackass!"

"Possessive?" Sesshomaru sneered, "Is that all this is to you?"

Confused and not completely sure he was reading any of this right, Inuyasha answered, "What else am I supposed to think? You're actin' like someone stole your favorite toy."

Within moments, Sesshomaru had Inuyasha's body pinned to the grass, a feat made all the more easy given how truly exhausted the Hanyou was. "A toy? Is that truly how you view yourself? Or more importantly, how you believe I view you? Have you any idea the torture and torment you put this Sesshomaru through knowing you were being held somewhere I could not find. Knowing that lunatic was doing gods knows what to you while I could do nothing to stop it." Sensing the growing anxiety coming from his captive, Sesshomaru pushed down his need to comfort his intended mate. A point needed to be made. Inuyasha must understand his role and the consequences of his apparent disregard for his own well-being.

"Sesshomaru, I – "

"Silence! Since you seem so concerned about the vermin filling this world, perhaps you will finally understand if I tell you what would happen to them should anything befall you. You were so concerned for what Kaplow would do to the wolf and his pups, to Shippo and his kits, and even those humans the miko Kagome left in this world that you failed to consider what this Sesshomaru would do should you be lost."

Furrowing his brow, Inuyasha had long ago stopped struggling. First of all, it seemed pretty useless, and second, he was just too damn confused to think of trying to get away. "What the hell are you talkin' about?"

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